Unlocking the Power of Reflexology: A Path to Healing with Adeum Rivera

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/6/24 4:00 PM

The past few years for Adeum Rivera have been filled with hardship, loss, and physical pain. However, they have also been filled with transformation as well. Let’s rewind to a time before Adeum attended SWIHA for Reflexology. Beginning in 2019, Adeum started experiencing a lot of health issues with his knees that eventually got to the point where he could not walk it was so painful. On top of that, Adeum dealt with the hardship of losing brother and father within 2 months of each other. Dealing with such physical and emotional pain, Adeum knew he wanted a change in his life. Adeum sought out more naturopathic doctors and solutions and eventually wound up getting a massage from a SWIHA Graduate, who told him of how special a place SWIHA really was.

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Topics: Toe Reading, Great Graduate, Reflexology, Auriculotherapy, Holistic Entrepreneurship

The Drastic Change in Perspective in the Toe Reading Community

Posted by Lauren Miller on 6/30/22 4:00 PM

What is Toe Reading

Toe Reading is the metaphysical understanding that the angle and contour of the toes are the physical manifestations of the path a person’s life has taken. The toes act as one of our bodies’ depositories for stories and emotions. A Toe Reader is someone who honors the stories coded in the toes and is spiritually and emotionally available to unlock the storyline stored in the cells of the body, specifically stored in the hologram of the toes.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Toe Reading, SWIHA, Reflexology, Spiritual Coaching, chakra, coaching, Wellness Coaching, Elemental System, Toe Telling

How Ashlynn Finley Follows Her Heart’s Calling to Hold Space for Others on Their Healing Journey

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/9/22 4:00 PM

Your brain understands facts. Your heart understands emotions. Your intuition understands truth. Above all, follow your intuition. It will never fail you.” - RKL

Living up to other people’s expectations is always difficult. It is hard enough to even live up to your own expectations. When we change how we seek validation and choose to pursue it within ourselves compared to outwardly things or beings, we start to live our life for ourselves and nobody else. Once we can grasp this concept of trusting our own intuition, and letting go of outside influences, we truly start to live our life’s true purpose. Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate Ashlynn Finley, went through just that. She was living a life based on what her family wanted for her, until she made the decision to completely change her life, and chose to follow her passions and live the life she always dreamed of.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, Reflexology, Reiki, energy work, Spirit, Holistic wellness, Oracle Cards, Arizona, Tarot, Tempe, intuitve guide, community, Affirmations, Holding Space, Traditional Reiki, Empathy, Angels and Guides, Business Owner, Heart

Toe Reader Janell Erickson Helps Others Discover Happiness Within

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 6/27/19 3:00 PM

“My life truly is my very own happy place,” Janell Erickson tells us, “I have found healing and health through holistic and inspirational living.”

Janell is a transformational coach, using an array of modalities to facilitate major shifts in the lives of her clients. Her path to SWIHA, however, was full of twists and turns!

“I had a totally different lifestyle,” Janell explains, “I was married, raised two step-sons, lived by the Colorado River, worked as a human resource manager, as well as owned a thriving ice cream truck business and eventually a steakhouse. And then the low tide of life swept in and set me up for the next part of my journey.  I survived an alcoholic husband, bankruptcy and finally divorce.

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Topics: Great Graduates, Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Reflexology, SWIHA Staff

Are Your Toes Talking to You? Toe Reading Instructor Cheryl Speen Says YES!

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 8/20/18 11:36 AM

When you truly believe in and love what you do,” says Cheryl Speen, SWIHA’s talented Reflexology and Toe Reading instructor, “you will excel in your life… through Reflexology and Toe Reading, I found out that my intuition is strong and alive and has helped me guide people to some profound healings.”

Toe Reading is a fascinating healing art using active listening, powerful, soul searching questions and deeply skilled insight to help people create change in in their lives. When you couple this with Reflexology, which is based on the principle that an image of the body is represented on the face, ears, hands and feet, you can truly treat the whole client—mind, body and spirit.

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Topics: Toe Reading, Reflexology, Healers, Toe Reader

Heather Clore Wants You to Use What Nature Gave You—And Give Back to the Earth, Too!

Posted by Nick Farmer on 3/15/18 11:25 AM

Heather Clore had always had a passion for herbalism and holistic nutrition, yet it was not until she became a mother that she realized she wanted to turn her approach to holistic living—and the approaches of her family and, eventually, her community—totally around.

“I knew when my son was born that I wanted to take an all-natural approach to raising him,” she explains. “I knew I wanted him to have a great, joyous, happy life and that herbalism and nutrition are both so important to that. I knew it would be best to raise him on nature and what the Divine gave us naturally.”

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Topics: western herbalism, Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Coaching, Reflexology, sustainability, herbal teas

Sole to Soul: How Saori Mayumi is Using Toe Reading to Transform Lives in Japan

Posted by Tim Barber on 2/2/18 1:29 PM

When the student is ready… a book may just jump off the shelf and change her view on the world! 

That’s exactly what happened for Saori Mayumi— one of the most successful Toe Readers and Toe Reading Teachers in Japan. Toe Reading wasn’t something Saori was looking for at all; in fact, as is often the case when the Universe has unexpected plans for you, Toe Reading seemed to find her!

Saori was at a bookstore when she just happened to see a copy of KC Miller’s Toe Reading – Are You Walking Your Destined Path? that had been translated in to Japanese. Remembering the moment when she first picked up the book, Saori says, “I didn’t mean to read it, yet it was there, right in front of my eyes! There was also a leaflet announcing that KC was going to have a special seminar in Japan. I read the book and went to see her at the seminar. There was no doubt in my mind that Toe Reading would be a big part of my destiny!”

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Topics: Toe Reading, Reflexology, cancer, soul coaching, National Toe Reading Month, Japan, Toe Reader

Metaphors and Messages: Jewel Blackfeather’s Life Coaching Story

Posted by Tim Barber on 11/17/17 9:59 AM

Jewel Blackfeather always knew she was intuitive, although she didn’t fully acknowledge it until she became a Life Coach. In fact, during the first 20-hour weekend of her Life Coaching program at SWIHA, Jewel felt intuitively called to volunteer as the demo client for a fear-related exercise being led by master instructor Richard Seaman in front of a room of nearly fifty people. While there was a part of her that didn’t want to be put in spotlight, there was also a part of her that knew she was being compelled to step up and face her fears!

A Lion Among Wolves

And face her fears she did! During the demonstration, Richard asked her a series of potent, probing questions–which is one of the most powerful skills a Life Coach learns–that caused her to stop and look at what was stopping her. Once she shared a bit of her story, Richard used yet another incredible coaching tool–Transformational Listening–to weave a metaphoric visualization based on what she had shared:

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Topics: Life Coaching, Toe Reading, Reflexology, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy, soul coaching, guided imagery, transformational listening

Born to Lead: Jenna Gully’s Path to Empowerment through Yoga Teacher Training

Posted by Tim Barber on 9/8/17 4:00 PM

Jenna Gully was doing the same thing many high school graduates end up doing: going to college for something she had an interest in without knowing where it would lead her or how she would use the skills she was learning in a practical way. As is often the case without that big “end picture” goal—without the drive of a vision to work towards—college had become more of a vehicle for social interaction than for personal growth. Jenna soon came to realize that she wanted more out of life… that she wanted to do something that supported a healthy and active lifestyle, something that would spark her growth as a person, that could give her direction and the motivation of working towards a career she could be excited about. In 2013, she dropped out of college and started moving in that direction.

Yoga has always been a part of Jenna’s life. Her mother had been sharing the experience of yoga with her since a young age, giving her the gift of a physical practice that was sustaining and ever evolving. After witnessing her mother’s own experience as a student in the Yoga Teacher Training program at Spirit of Yoga, Jenna realized she was being drawn to the program herself, wanting to expand on the physical practice she had enjoyed throughout the years by adding the technical, philosophical, and energetic components and developing her gift of healing touch. In 2014, she enrolled herself in the 200-hour YTT program at SOY.

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Topics: hatha gong, Vibrational Energy, Polarity, yoga, hatha, Reflexology, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga nidra, Healthy, healthy living, bhakti yoga, vibrational healing, healthy lifestyle, entrepreneurship

New Perspectives: How Licensed Massage Therapist Tim Barber Turned Pain into Perseverance

Posted by Fox Emm on 8/25/17 12:53 PM

It has been a long road to get to where Tim Barber is today. By his account, that amounts to somewhere around 2,300 miles and 15 years since the graduate of SWIHA’s 1000-hour Master Massage Practitioner and 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program first realized that he wanted to become a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Tim spent most of his life in New York. No, not that New York. “Everyone always assumes I mean New York City when I tell them where I am from, which couldn’t be further from the truth,” he laughs. Born and raised in the Central New York region, most of his life was spent surrounded by forests and water— not skyscrapers. Houses were often a half-mile to a mile apart. The town he grew up in was so small that there wasn’t even a four-way stop in it. His graduating class consisted of about 60 people. A trip to the mall would take about 45 minutes of driving to get there. The nightlife in his town consisted of crickets and lightning bugs. No, it definitely was not THAT New York.

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Topics: Polarity, Reflexology, Yoga Teacher Training, Hypnotherapy, Licensed Massage, yoga, Acupressure, Cranial, deep-tissue-massage, Licensed Massage Therapist, Master Massage Practitioner, Thai Massage, cranial Sacral, back pain

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