Why SWIHA? The Benefits of the Path Less Traveled

Posted by James Patrick on 4/6/23 4:00 PM

When I was in high school, I was your average student with a good group of friends, good grades, and a pretty typical family life. I was not a “problem child” by any stretch of the imagination. Like many, I had classes in which I excelled and some that challenged me, where I’d often find myself asking, “When am I ever going to use this stuff?” My sophomore math classes come to mind and to this day, I’m still not a huge fan of numbers, yet I know the basics to get me through business and everyday life. I often questioned the traditional way of doing things because the simple fact is that I’ve always learned and viewed the world a little differently. I’m far from a traditional person so why would my education have to follow the exact same formula as everyone else? The truth is it didn’t and so, I actively sought out my options.

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Topics: holistic practitioner, Life Coaching, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, holistic health care, life coach, Hypnotherapy, spiritual studies, Arizona, Tempe, Mind-Body Psychology, Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Associate of Occupational Studies Degree

Feel Empowered to Thrive with Graduate Amanda Beatty

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/14/21 4:00 PM

The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people. That is healing in itself.” - Gloria Steinem 

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Topics: holistic practitioner, Life Coaching, Body, SWIHA, Polarity Therapy, yoga nidra, Spirit, Mind, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, passion, Transformational Pychology, Somatic Psychology, Holistic Modalities, Purpose, Mind-Body Psychology, Integrative Cranial Sacral Unwinding, Shamanic Reiki, Coaching the Hero Within, The Hero's Journey

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