Choosing Self Care: A Guide from Health Coach Keisha Peele

Posted by Keisha Peele on 7/18/24 4:00 PM

In our daily lives, there are often demands from work, home, relationships, and other requirements that may take priority. We oftentimes place our well-being on the back burner and are made to feel that any time we set aside for ourselves is selfish. Society will have you believe that you are to give all you have and are to others, even if that means you are left completely depleted. I urge you to change your view and prioritize yourself today! Just think about it…without proper self-care, how will you be of use to anything or anyone else? If your cup is empty how and what do you continue to pour into others?

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Topics: self love, Great Graduate, Self-care, Holistic health, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

Why You A.R.E. S.O. Capable of Overcoming Stress: SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Lyric Swedenhjelm on 8/10/23 4:00 PM

Take a moment to recall the last time you felt stress in your life. Did it take you a while to remember the last experience, or was it too easy to quickly identify when stress has been present?

It's safe to say that stress is universal- stress is likely to arise at some time in our human experience, maybe even frequently. In fact, the Recovery Village states "

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Topics: Great Graduate, Mindfulness, Self-care, mind body spirit, Stress, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, Stress Management, integrative healing arts practitioner, SWIHA Students

3 Holistic Methods to Help Manage ADHD with SWIHA Graduate Jennifer Richard

Posted by Jennifer Richard on 7/20/23 4:00 PM

Through the years more and more individuals are being diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD stands for, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. If you find it difficult to concentrate, relax, or have issues with impulsivity, there is a chance you may have undiagnosed ADHD. I am here to bring awareness and share with you the tools I use to manage my ADHD without the use of medication. The most important thing I have learned on my journey is to embrace my ADHD and view it as a superpower. Once I accepted that I have ADHD, I was able to use it to my advantage.

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Topics: holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Self-care, ADHD, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, Holistic Health and Wellness, NBHWC, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, HHWC, Mindfulness Facilitator

The Ultimate Guide to Coping with Digital Stress: Top 4 Strategies

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/9/23 4:00 PM

It’s the year 2023, and it’s easy to say that the digital world is here to stay. So how do we cope with it? It is everywhere, always surrounding us - I mean, here you are reading this blog on a device! There are so many beautiful ways the digital age brings us connection, information, education, entertainment, and more. However, it is important to be aware of the negatives this digital age brings. With all these components in mind, we can find ourselves feeling stressed or overwhelmed from the information overload and screen time ever increasing. Let’s dive into what is digital stress and how to cope with it.

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Topics: SWIHA, Mindfulness, Self-care, social media, Boundaries, Mindfulness Facilitator, Digital Stress, Blue Light

Unlock the Benefits of Spring Cleaning: 5 Methods to Cleanse Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/4/23 4:00 PM

When reflecting on the season of Spring, thoughts of a fresh start, the world waking up after a long winter, and fresh breezes with blooming flowers flash into mind. Everything feels fresh and new, and the urge to declutter your life from the past year comes to fruition. This can sometimes feel overwhelming. Where do I start? Do I even have the time? Life certainly does not stop for you to take the time to clean through everything you may want to - however - it’s freeing to think about it and to begin anew. We often hear, “A clean space is a clean mind”. Springtime is a great opportunity to declutter your physical space and your soul as well. Here are five ways to cleanse your mind, body, and soul.

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Topics: SWIHA, Self-care, Forgiveness, Holistic Education, Self-Reflection, Self-worth, mind body soul, Spring Cleaning, Clean Diet

Health & Wellness Coach, Shaina Corrales, Shares How to Build Healthy Habits to Others on Social Media

Posted by Jade Marvin on 3/14/23 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA, life was a little out of focus and I felt a call to do something to help educate others about taking care of their bodies with nutrition. I had seriously considered a traditional course in nutrition at a community college for a bachelor's degree. I didn't see a good fit with that type of schooling and heard through a friend about this school's holistic nutrition courses. I am here because I see all the reactive actions people take in their lives to combat illness and lead a less-than-desired lifestyle, I truly wish to make a difference for the current generations as well as move forward to be a proactive society.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Self-care, Arizona, Tempe, Women's Empowerment, Health and Wellness Coach, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

‘Living on Purpose’: Inspiration from Nicole Cooper

Posted by Nicole Cooper on 1/2/23 8:00 AM

“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.” - Oprah Winfrey

The way that I have learned, and continue to practice, living on purpose is by doing what is in alignment with my core values and beliefs. This has always come from a passionate place within myself and trusting that space. It’s a true place of awareness deep within. You may think that you have to find your purpose, but from my experience, your path finds you when you start focusing inward and trusting the process. My challenges, fears, hardships, and un-comfort zones have all been a huge part of discovering and developing my purpose.

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Topics: wellness, Self-care, Yoga Teacher Training, entrepreneurship, National Be on Purpose Month 2023

Being a Highly Sensitive Person

Posted by Sherrie Perret on 12/8/22 4:00 PM

Have you ever been told that you are too sensitive, too touchy, that you take things too personally, or even that you are too nice to people? I hear these things on a daily basis and if you have been told these things, chances are you could be a Highly Sensitive Person too. We are all sensitive to some degree; however, some of us are HSP (Highly Sensitive Persons). I am HSP. What is HSP and how do you get it? This is what I have learned about HSP. First, let me clarify that HSP is not a disorder, condition, or diagnosis, it’s a personality trait also known as sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) and approximately 15% to 20% of the population are HSP. Highly Sensitive People process all information more deeply including all types of stimuli such as emotions, what they see, hear, feel, and touch and are aware of subtleties that other people miss.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, eft, Mindfulness, journaling, Self-care, Spiritual Coaching, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, Arizona, Tempe, Empath, integrative healing arts practitioner, highly sensitive person, Online Education, SWIHA Student Blog Series, Introvert, Breath Work

The Pathway to Forgiveness: SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Brooke DeBault on 12/1/22 4:00 PM


For centuries this word has been touted as a nonnegotiable for the betterment of society and the individual. The problem is, although most of us know that forgiveness is a necessity if we want to live a life free from anger and resentment, many of us struggle with understanding exactly what forgiveness means or how to achieve it. After all, forgiveness is merely a blanket term… Used to describe what people should do when faced with the pain of hurt or betrayal. Unfortunately, religious texts and enlightened spiritual leaders frequently fail to describe precisely what forgiveness is, why we should do it, or how it can be attained. With the aim of bridging these gaps, I’ll attempt to answer these questions throughout the course of this blog. Before we get to those answers, let’s first talk a little bit about what forgiveness is not and what it does not do.

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Topics: self love, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Self-care, Forgiveness, Meditation, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, Arizona, Tempe, Grace, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, SWIHA Student Blog Series, Student Blog Submission, Higher Self

Thanksgiving Every Day in Someway

Posted by KC Miller on 11/24/22 8:00 AM

“If you give thanks every day, every day is then Thanksgiving!”

Many scientific studies have been done documenting the benefits of gratitude and the practice of giving thanks including a study conducted by the Association of Psychological Science. Their findings showed those who had deeper, vulnerable conversations and made the effort to socialize more frequently with others were significantly and statistically happier and healthier.

Let’s look at six easy steps to ensure your health and happiness using the acronym THANKS.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Gratitude, SWIHA, Self-care, Psychology, Arizona, Tempe, Brene Brown, chakras, Holistic Education, Thanksgiving, Holiday Season, Honor, Giving Thanks, Chakra System

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