Many people think they can’t meditate. Maybe it’s not that they can’t meditate, rather the way they have been instructed to meditate doesn’t resonate with their Soul!
In the past, much of what was taught about meditation came from a restrictive mindset, often couched in needing to be more disciplined or committed to be a good yogi or person.
Restrictive meditation is a form of meditation where concentration is emphasized and epitomized. One is to focus on a singular object to the exclusion of all other thoughts. It can almost be described as the “sit down-shut up-suck up” approach to meditation. Clearing the mind of all thoughts is the guiding edict. And while the goal is to really experience whatever you are focusing on, whether it's your breath, a specific word, or a mantra in order to reach a higher state of being, the result is often a feeling of defeat because total concentration is almost impossible for most of us.
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Guided meditation,
Holistic Healing,
Yoga Teacher Training,
Holistic Education,
Invitational Meditation,
When I was a little girl, my parents got divorced. I was 6, my brother 9, my little sister just 5. We went to stay with my dad’s parents so he could continue on his job on the railroad. My grandfather was retired and had been in the navy. My grandmother was a rough and tough sort of woman that had been married five times, rodeo trick rider, sharecropper, all-around tough cookie. I share this with you because I had no pause, my family had no pause. The next steps my family took could have been changed or at the least given a pause, we as a family could see the purpose in our actions. When I was 9, I ran away from home. They called my mom (which I had been told was dead) and she flew to see me face to face to tell me, her daughter, she could not take me back to live with her. She got on a plane the next morning.
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self love,
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Guided meditation,
Essential Oils,
mind-body wellness practitioner,
Sacred Space,
Holistic Education,
Mindful Practices,
For over 20 years Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) has been offering a 200-hour yoga alliance approved yoga teacher training under the banner of “Unity Yoga”. Students are encouraged to find their own authentic expression of yoga, with an emphasis on cueing safe, anatomically correct asana-based studio classes. We’ve successfully graduated hundreds of students over the years that have found their own voices and adapted what they’ve learned into compelling and creative studio classes that they offer all across the country.
As we have sought to enrich our Advanced Yoga Teacher offerings we have begun to focus on the deeper aspects of yoga including meditation in the form of Yoga Nidra —a guided yogic sleep system refined by Kamini Desai, PhD.
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Southwest Institute of Healing Arts,
Mind Body Wellness,
Certified Yoga Teacher,
200 Hour Yoga Training,
Guided meditation,
Advanced Yoga Training,
KC Miller,
Yoga Teacher Training,
yoga nidra,
Breathing Techniques,
spirit of yoga,
Wellness Industry,
Amrit Institute,
Yoga Philosophy,
Postures of Consciousness,
Amrit Yoga,
Meditation in Motion
Nereyda Varias was a passionate seeker of wellness who wanted to share her gifts with the world and expand her knowledge. Before enrolling in the Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program, she dreamt of learning the skills, scripture, and wisdom utilized by great sages, mystics, and scholars. She felt that she was meant for greater things and that helping others was her path. Nereyda knew she would be part of something bigger that would help to aid the world. “I knew deep within I was a part of a movement to aid our world and all of its brilliant divine human and non-human beings upon it— to be a catalyst of transcendence and evolution,” she shares.
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Sound Healing,
Toe Reading,
Floral Essences,
flower essences,
Guided meditation,
Holistic Healing,
Intuitive Guide,
Restorative Yoga,
Holistic Healer,
integrative healing,
integrative healing arts practitioner,
hero's journey,
spiritual ministry,
crystal therapy,
intuitive guidance
After twenty-five years of helping people to discover their gifts through life coaching and other holistic practices, I’ve heard an awful lot of stories about how some friends and families of our graduates weren’t exactly thrilled hearing them announce they were becoming a Healing Arts Practitioner of any kind. And yet, most who have made the “leap of faith” say they wouldn’t go back for anything!
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Life Coaching,
Reiki master,
Massage Therapy,
holistic entrepreneur,
Guided meditation,
Yoga Teacher Training,
guided imagery,
integrative healing,
integrative healing arts practitioner
The sudden death of Janet Ellis’ only sister in 1998 brought her to her knees and was the catalyst that ultimately brought her to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). “When I am emerging from a crisis, my usual response is to embark on some learning journey. In December 2006, I was completing what I thought would be my last semester at ASU. I had earned a bachelor’s degree in Family and Human Development and a minor in Psychology and Gender Studies. I then decided that I wanted to apply to their Marriage & Family Therapy program,” said Janet.
While her application was being processed, Janet decided to indulge her curiosity and find out what SWIHA was all about. The school had a great reputation for powerful classes with great experiences, and she had a personal interest in the newly formed Life Coaching program. One evening in January 2006, Janet attended a Gifts & Graces, facilitated by KC Miller. Janet said, “That experience so powerfully confirmed what I felt as a deep calling, that I enrolled in the Life Coaching – Foundations class, and I’ve never looked back!”

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Great Graduates,
Certified Life Coach Training,
Life Coaching,
hypnotherapy program,
Guided meditation,
Coaching Practice,
life coach training