How Pamela Topjian Found SWIHA: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Posted by Pamela Topjian on 5/9/24 4:00 PM

My journey with Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) started as a licensed nurse who was on the verge of burnout. At the time in 2009, I was working full-time and did not have the ability to go part-time. I was looking for a more holistic way to assist people on their healing journey. To assist people in a deeper way towards real healing, to be a part of something I could feel good about within my heart and soul.

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Topics: Great Graduate, hypnotherapy program, integrative healing arts practitioner, Online Programs, Holistic Entrepreneurship, Published Author

The Power of Inner-Knowing: Fran-Kay Moseley Helps Women Connect With Themselves

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/14/22 4:00 PM

Trust your heart and embrace the journey. You may make a wrong turn, however, your heart will get you back on the right path. Just keep making choices and don’t second guess yourself.” - E’yen A. Gardner

Fran-kay, like many others who came to SWIHA, wanted to find her purpose in life and help others along the way. Fran-Kay came from a humble background. She states, “Both of my parents were uneducated and I was told at a young age that education wasn’t important. That as long as I learned a trade, I would be satisfied. Well, I felt robbed. I self-taught myself, and even though I may not have a college degree, I am very wise and love learning new things…” And that is exactly what Fran-Kay did here at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Fran-Kay learned to trust her intuition, stop second-guessing herself, and how to fulfill her life dream of helping others.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Body, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, Spiritual Coaching, Spirit, Hypnotherapy, Mind, Arizona, Tempe, intuitve guide, Holistic Healer, integrative healing arts practitioner, intuitive guidance, IHAP, Online Programs, Holistic Modalities, Higher Source, Virtual Business

Sabrina Willie Found Purpose in Teaching Others to Enjoy the Rollercoaster Ride of Life

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 8/15/19 3:00 PM

Sabrina Willie describes her life before Southwest Institute of Healing Arts as a rollercoaster: “I was tired of the ups and downs,” she says, “I knew I had to do something.”

That gut instinct led her to leave her job of ten years and begin to define her own path. Two weeks after her new journey began, Sabrina found out she was expecting a child! It cemented her calling to create a life she loved: “I knew it wasn't coincidental. I decided this was a great chance to change and be a better role model,” she tells us.

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Topics: Great Graduates, Toe Reading, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, IHAP, Online Programs

Do You Love Healthy Food? You Could Profit From Your Passion!

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 3/7/19 3:00 PM

More than ever, consumers are paying close attention to what they put in their body, avoiding unbalanced fast food in favor of organic whole foods. This shift toward a wellness-conscious mindset is changing the landscape of the health industry and fueling an increased demand for reputable, knowledgeable authorities on Holistic Nutrition.

We at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts witness firsthand the amazing transformations that passionate Nutrition Coaches facilitate, and we love supporting our graduates as they embark on their journey of becoming conscious, successful wellness pioneers! Our graduates have become motivational speakers, opened restaurants and catering businesses, written wellness blogs and cookbooks, and created successful coaching businesses. The one thing they all have in common? They began with a passion for healthy food!

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Topics: Great Graduates, Holistic Nutrition, healthy living, healthy lifestyle, Online Programs, Wellness Education

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