The Importance of Safe Spaces with Health Coach Jake Matter

Posted by Jake Matter on 7/4/24 4:00 PM

All people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or whatever of the innumerable differences that exist, need to have a space, an environment where they feel comfortable and can truly be their authentic selves. If people who make poor, destructive choices in their lives had a space where they could talk or get help, then maybe their path would have been able to diverge in a positive way.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Safe Space, SWIHA CommUNITY, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, lgbtq+

The Making of a Yogi — The Incarnations of Will Zecco

Posted by KC Miller on 5/26/22 4:00 PM

As youngsters, we are often asked, “What do you want to BE when you grow up?” The question being asked is really what do you want to DO for a living?

For Will Zecco, he knew in middle school he wanted to BE a hairstylist. And yet his dad wouldn’t hear of it! He wanted Will to do “college”. So Will attended a community college and became a Fashion Designer, doing costume design for a local theatre group. He was good at what he was doing, including singing and dancing in the local productions, yet he still had a dream of being something else.

A hometown newspaper did an article featuring Will with the headline “Local Boy Becomes Designer.” A state Senator sent Will a letter congratulating him and offering that if there was ever anything he could do for him, to let him know. As Will often says, “We only get what you’re brave enough to ask for!” Will boldly asked the Senator about a grant and got a full ride to go to Cosmetology school.

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Topics: SWINA, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Aesthetician, SWIHA, yoga, 200 Hour Yoga Training, Yoga Teacher Training, Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics, YTT, spirit of yoga, Yogi, Safe Space, Holding Space, Trauma-Aware, Hairdresser, Makeup Artist, Esthetician School, SOY

Just Do You!: Dulce Zambrano Talks Success & Being Yourself

Posted by Tim Barber on 1/3/18 8:00 AM

Life coach, Hypnotherapist, and YouTuber Dulce Zambrano would like you to know that you don’t have to give up your sense of self and personal preferences to find success!

As a coach who often finds herself working with clients who are already on the path to achievement—particularly female entrepreneurs and leaders who want more mindfulness and balance in their lives—Dulce has noticed that this is a common fear. “What these successful people are often most afraid of is losing the little personality quirks that make them individuals; they’re afraid they have to become Tibetan monks to find balance, which simply isn’t true,” Dulce says. “You can be successful and still be you! It’s a matter of recognizing that everywhere is a safe space. Just show up and do your thang, boo!”

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Topics: Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Safe Space, Motivation, YouTube, Authenticity, Wheel of Balance

25th Anniversary Blog – How to “Hold Space” for an Emotional Release – Stories of Healing

Posted by KC Miller on 9/5/17 11:06 AM

Shortly after SWIHA was founded, a guest massage instructor came to our modest campus to offer training on a technique known as “positional release therapy.” In this type of therapy, the body is positioned in strategic ways so as to release the muscles and tension stored from past injuries, accidents, and traumas. Within the first few hours of the workshop, one of the students had a reaction to the position in which her body had been placed. She began to cry and then shake; finally, her left hand involuntarily contorted into a claw-like cramp. The guest instructor (who had over 20 years of experience) stood by in confusion, looking as if he had never seen an emotional release before. Immediately stepping up to the table, I offered the student a guided visualization, taking her to a “safe place” and instructing her to concentrate on slowing her breath to calm her mind.

As the guest instructor look on incredulously, he commented, “In all my years, I have never had THAT happen on my table!” Luckily, I had the grace to not say what I was thinking, which was: “And you never will… because you don’t know how to ‘hold space’ for others!” Even if I had shared what I was thinking, this instructor probably wouldn’t have understood what I was talking about.

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Topics: Massage Therapy, Polarity, cranial unwinding, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Trauma, Emotional Release, Cranial Massage Therapist, Vulnerability, Cranial Therapy, 25 Years, Anniversary, Safe Space, Holding Space, Soul Contracts

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