Rev. Janee Herring's Path: From Spiritual Awakening to Sharing Her Gifts with Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 3/21/24 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA I was going through a spiritual awakening that was very unorganized, uncomfortable, and scary. My gifts were all over the place. I knew that I wanted to help others who were also going through it, as I was all alone. I was randomly led to one of SWIHA's mailers. That was the answer to organizing my gifts and making my awakening more comfortable. I am passionate about all things spiritual. These healing modalities saved my life. I aim to help others feel the same way.”

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Topics: Great Graduate, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, integrative healing arts practitioner, Spiritual Awakening, Angels and Guides

How Ashlynn Finley Follows Her Heart’s Calling to Hold Space for Others on Their Healing Journey

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/9/22 4:00 PM

Your brain understands facts. Your heart understands emotions. Your intuition understands truth. Above all, follow your intuition. It will never fail you.” - RKL

Living up to other people’s expectations is always difficult. It is hard enough to even live up to your own expectations. When we change how we seek validation and choose to pursue it within ourselves compared to outwardly things or beings, we start to live our life for ourselves and nobody else. Once we can grasp this concept of trusting our own intuition, and letting go of outside influences, we truly start to live our life’s true purpose. Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate Ashlynn Finley, went through just that. She was living a life based on what her family wanted for her, until she made the decision to completely change her life, and chose to follow her passions and live the life she always dreamed of.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, entrepreneur, Holistic Healing, Intuition, Reflexology, Reiki, energy work, Spirit, Holistic wellness, Oracle Cards, Arizona, Tarot, Tempe, intuitve guide, community, Affirmations, Holding Space, Traditional Reiki, Empathy, Angels and Guides, Business Owner, Heart

11:11 Make a Wish! Angel Numbers, Signs, and More

Posted by Jade Marvin on 11/11/21 11:11 AM

Its 11:11 make a wish! Do you ever catch yourself looking at a clock, a license plate, or receipts and seeing consecutive numbers like 222, 333, or even 555? Ever wonder what it meant that you see these numbers so often? Well, Angel numbers are recurring sequences of numbers that have spiritual significance. The line between our physical world and the spiritual world isn’t as resolute as one may think. Angels and guides often communicate with Angel numbers or various “signs” that hold deep spiritual significance. Think of them as a gentle and loving invitation to build trust in your own spirituality. And when you pay close enough attention, you may begin to notice these patterns show up more often as you become more attune with receiving messages from the universe.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, spirituality, SWIHA, Mindfulness, Intuition, Meditation, Mindful, Symbolism, Spiritual Awakening, Holistic Education, Mindful Practices, Angels and Guides, Signs, Angel Numbers, Symbols, Messages

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