How Kimberley Thomason Found Her True Calling as a Yoga Therapist

Posted by Jade Marvin on 7/11/24 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA I spent a lot of time in a ‘poor me’ world. From the outside, it looked like I had everything. A wonderful husband, a great paying job, and a beautiful house. In 2021, my grandmother died and it made me look at myself differently. I wasn’t getting any younger… who do I want to be for the rest of my time on earth? I found SWIHA online and had the funds to make it happen. So, I signed up for the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program. I was doing this for me. At the end of my program, I realized that since what I had learned had changed my life, maybe I could help change the lives of others. Taking the YTT-200 was just the tip of the iceberg of my yoga journey. I had heard that there was a 1000-hour Yoga Therapy program, so I went all in! This changed the way I practiced yoga and life.”

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Topics: yoga therapy, Great Graduate, yoga therapist, Yin Yoga, International Association of Yoga Therapy

Belle Hernandez's Experience in SWIHA’s Yoga Therapy Program: A Path to Inner Peace

Posted by Belle Hernandez on 6/22/23 4:00 PM

In 2014, I experienced a year of heartache that was followed by the devastating loss of my brother in 2015. I was in desperate need of support and turned to yoga as a source of healing. I had been attending yoga classes and began working with a mentor who introduced me to yoga therapy. During my darkest moments, I was searching for a connection to something greater than myself and embarked on my own Hero's Journey. My mentor was teaching Transformational Yoga Coaching at SWIHA and an instructor at her studio recommended that I sign up. Learning that I had signed up for Transformational Yoga Coaching (TYC), my mentor suggested that I take my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training to support me during this difficult time. In January 2016, I took the leap and enrolled, which marked the beginning of my healing journey.

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Topics: yoga therapy, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Amrit Desai, yoga therapist, Holistic Healing, mind body spirit, Yoga Teacher Training, Amrit Institute, I AM Yoga, Amrit Yoga, International Association of Yoga Therapy

Get to Know: SWIHA’s Alignment with the Amrit Yoga Institute & Our Updated Yoga Curriculum

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 2/4/21 4:00 PM

In the practice of yoga, it’s traditional to follow a lineage to allow for more integration of the vast yogic teaching. After three members of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ leadership team traveled to India and birthplace of the Amrit Yoga Institute teachings, we are now aligning our curriculum with this lineage through incorporating I AM Yoga® in to our curriculum. This provides a valuable opportunity for you to learn an authentic expression of yoga which honors its spiritual intentions and provides a complete mind-body-spirit focus.

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Topics: yoga therapist, Advanced Yoga Training, Amrit Institute, Yoga Philosophy, I AM Yoga

Yoga Teacher Training: Doing Her Own Thing; Her Own Way; Her Own Style

Posted by Kerry Burki on 6/24/16 12:56 PM

Becci Rusinko was searching for a flexible Yoga Teacher Training program that she could do in the evenings and found the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ (SWIHA) YTT program.

She initially graduated in April of 2011 with her 200 hour YTT certificate. Then she came back in October of 2011 and completed her 800 hour yoga therapist program, which included holistic nutrition certificate.

Throughout the program at SWIHA, Becci felt that almost every class was her favorite and filled with so much valuable information. “I learned so much that I use daily in all of my classes.”

She felt that she had such fantastic teachers that taught her so much. “My most memorable teachers would be Dr. Henele and Dr. Mahdi and Chef Rachel from the nutrition program and Mary Bruce from the yoga program.”

The knowledge that Becci felt to be the most valuable was to be authentic to her true self and not to try and be someone who she isn't. Becci said, “I hold that so close to my heart every day.”

There was a part of Becci’s life when she was in search of the right thing and she re-found yoga.  “Not only did yoga help cure my physically, it also improved my mentality and made me a different/better person.” After a few years of practice, she looked back at her old self and saw how incredibly different she was. “I decided I needed to share with others what had changed me into such an amazingly different person.” Her passion for sharing yoga comes from having total faith and love for the whole practice. She loves knowing how yoga can help anyone who is open to allow it to transform their life.

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Topics: yoga therapy, Holistic Nutrition, yoga, Certified Yoga Teacher, yoga therapist, Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga for Runners, Yoga 200 Hour Training

Keeping Life Positive with Yoga & Life Coaching:  In the Now and Moving Forward

Posted by Kerry Burki on 6/10/16 10:30 AM

Orlando Green was employed as a Student Advisor at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) when he completed his Yoga Teacher Training (200-hour level) and Life Coaching Program. He considers himself a continuing student having also completed the Hatha Gong program with Duane Armitage. His move to Puerto Rico has put his work towards becoming a  Yoga Therapist on hold.  However, his life has not been on hold, for even a minute, since arriving on the tropic paradise!

When asked about his favorite class while studying at SWIHA, Orlando shared that his favorite class was not actually in his Yoga Teacher Training program, rather in SWIHA’s Spirit of Yoga (SOY) studio: “My first step into SOY was on a Saturday Intro to Yoga class taught by Aradhana Armitage. I had been very reluctant to do yoga due to my back injury – yet after some urging from several colleagues at SWIHA that included a ‘double dare ya’ – I attended Aradhana’s class. She was very aware of my limitations and made me feel welcome in spite of what I perceived as limitations. After the first four weeks of yoga, I returned for an additional four weeks—and then I was hooked.   I began my Yoga Teacher Training shortly thereafter.”

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Topics: yoga coaching, yoga therapy, hatha gong, Life Coaching, Gong, yoga, yoga therapist, hatha, Yoga Teacher Training, life coach training, Natural Healing, Holistic health

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