5 Ways to Overcome the Plague of Comparison

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/29/22 4:00 PM

The reason you are not getting what you want is because you are focusing on what they got. Don’t get distracted by their results, focus on your process.” - Unknown

In a world of constant scrolling, scrolling, scrolling - it can be easy to come across an image or a piece of news that can throw you down the ‘comparison spiral’. This old, unwelcoming yet pervasive pattern of comparing yourself to others does not serve you. Living in a world plagued with comparison, as we are flooded with more information than we can handle; whether it’s social media or the news, our minds, often subconsciously, are running a mile a minute trying to process and analyze all the information we are viewing. Although social comparison is a part of our normal behavior strategy as humans, we don’t have to let it consume us to a level that affects our mental health. Learn these five strategies to help you overcome the plague of comparison.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Whole Foods, Intuition, Meditation, energy healing, Arizona, Tempe, conscious community, Energy, Microbiome, Positive Affirmations, Nervous System, Life Journey, Self-help, Comparison, Mindful Meditation

A Life of Service: Khariah Clark’s Journey from the Air Force to the Yoga Studio

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/19/22 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA I was an active duty military member serving in the air force. Once I became a veteran, I knew I wanted to seek deeper healing for myself and the communities I am a part of. I also wanted to facilitate and curate spaces that allowed for that healing to occur. Being a trauma-informed and intuitively lead yoga instructor/ guide allow me to do just that in every space I’ve grown into.”

Great Graduate, Khariah Clark, of SWIHA’s 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training program as well as the Intuitive Guide program, has blossomed into her new life since attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Like many other students who enroll at SWIHA, Khariah was at a point in her life where she had to stop and reflect on what she wanted to do next with her life. Khariah had just dropped out of a very rigorous law program and felt defeated, not really knowing what to do next. Clark explains, “...not knowing my next move, I went into my backyard to do some yoga, I looked up to see a rainbow in the sky, it was awesome.” And one step aligning after another, Khariah found herself studying yoga and intuitive guidance at SWIHA.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA, entrepreneur, healing, Yoga Teacher Training, yoga, Arizona, business, Tempe, intuitve guide, Yogi, Yoga studio, yoga classes, intuitive guidance, Energy, Sharon Rose, Aura, James Patrick, Higher Learning, Higher Education

4 Daily Routines to Boost Energy & Creativity: SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Kayley Sexton on 2/22/22 4:00 PM

If you are lacking in the area of energy, brain function, fatigue, creativity, focus, and immunity, I have a routine with food in combination with supplements that have significantly helped me. I take these with a meal daily. I may take these with my first or second meal, depending on what my day looks like. If you're more prone to the mid-day slump, this may be better to start at noon rather than in the morning. You may even want to repeat this routine twice a day. It’s really simple and you’re probably already doing one of these things… Let me show you how to pair these daily items the most efficiently.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Nutrition, Holistic wellness, Arizona, Tempe, Energy, Gut Microbiome, Biohacking, Creativity, Caffeine, Coffee, Red Light Therapy

5 Qualities of a Successful Wellness Entrepreneur

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/8/22 4:00 PM

The concept of energy is very prevalent in the wellness space for entrepreneurs. Your energy and vibes as a business owner have more of an effect on your business than you may realize. When we aren’t careful, or intentional, our energy can affect others and our business in a way we may not have intended. Oftentimes, when things go awry, we look to outside forces that may be causing our goals to not come to fruition. In reality, we should be looking within, and evaluating/reflecting our energy and world. If you don’t like what you see, change something about it! There are so many factors that come into play. When looking to shift your energy, reflect on these 5 traits below, as many successful entrepreneurs in the wellness industry attain these values.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Arizona, Tempe, Boundaries, Holistic Education, Wellness Industry, Smart Goals, Health and Wellness, Purpose, Energy, Wellness Entrepreneur, Perseverance, Vibes, Integrity, Bravery

Three Ways to Activate the Law of Attraction for Your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Jade Marvin on 12/9/21 4:00 PM

Many of us believe that we do not have the power to change our lives or to live our ‘dream’ life. We live our daily lives programmed to do what we are supposed to do. Wake up. Go to work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. This becomes the system and the wheel of life we become a cog in. How do we attract what we really want for ourselves? To know the Law of Attraction is the first step in making these changes to a happier, more fulfilling life. As defined by Sharon Rose, The Intuitive Guide Program Director here at SWIHA, the Law of Attraction is “a universal law of energy. It acknowledges and has been proved through quantum physics that human beings are constantly and consistently emitting vibrational frequencies, and this energy we emit affects our perception of and experience in, the world. It is the law that says we attract to ourselves that which we are thinking, feeling, saying, and believing.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA, journaling, Intuition, Goals, Arizona, Dreams, Manifestation, Law of Attraction, New Years Resolution, Gratitude Journal, Game Plan, Manifest, 2022, Attraction, Wishes, Manifest New Year, Manifest Goals, Energy, Vibration

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