What’s the Point? Uncovering Your Life’s Purpose with Janis Neary Miller

Posted by Janis Neary Miller on 8/22/24 4:00 PM

“Why am I here?” “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” “What’s my life purpose?” “Am I even on track?”

Throughout my astrology readings, I hear these questions over and over again.  We are taught from a very early age to seek out a purpose and direction in our lives.  We ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” of our 3 and 4-year-olds as if they will declare their dream and direct the rest of their life by it.  Flash forward 40 or 50 years, and as adults, for many, the dream is gone and we feel unfulfilled and “off track” or altogether lost on what our purpose is.

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Topics: life purpose, Great Graduate, Meditation, joy, Purpose

5 Ways to Spark Your Intentions for the New Year

Posted by Jade Marvin on 12/29/22 4:00 PM

With January 2023 right around the corner, it is almost time to celebrate National Be On-Purpose Month! This holiday is intended to encourage us to start the New Year by putting our good intentions into action, personally and professionally! It’s time to say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity as we integrate more purpose, meaning, and intentionality into our lives. It can be easy to be caught up in the monotony of everyday life. We can oftentimes forget to live life with intention. The excuses come rolling in and before we know it, it’s been a whole year and you haven’t achieved anything you wrote down on your New Years' Resolutions list. With January 2023 being National Be On-Purpose Month, let’s set the intention right now to live life with purpose and to put our dreams into action!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA, Arizona, Tempe, New Year, Intention, Purpose, National Be On-Purpose Month, New Years' Eve

5 Qualities of a Successful Wellness Entrepreneur

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/8/22 4:00 PM

The concept of energy is very prevalent in the wellness space for entrepreneurs. Your energy and vibes as a business owner have more of an effect on your business than you may realize. When we aren’t careful, or intentional, our energy can affect others and our business in a way we may not have intended. Oftentimes, when things go awry, we look to outside forces that may be causing our goals to not come to fruition. In reality, we should be looking within, and evaluating/reflecting our energy and world. If you don’t like what you see, change something about it! There are so many factors that come into play. When looking to shift your energy, reflect on these 5 traits below, as many successful entrepreneurs in the wellness industry attain these values.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, SWIHA, Arizona, Tempe, Boundaries, Holistic Education, Wellness Industry, Smart Goals, Health and Wellness, Purpose, Energy, Wellness Entrepreneur, Perseverance, Vibes, Integrity, Bravery

Feel Empowered to Thrive with Graduate Amanda Beatty

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/14/21 4:00 PM

The final stage of healing is using what happens to you to help other people. That is healing in itself.” - Gloria Steinem 

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Topics: holistic practitioner, Life Coaching, Body, SWIHA, Polarity Therapy, yoga nidra, Spirit, Mind, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, passion, Transformational Pychology, Somatic Psychology, Holistic Modalities, Purpose, Mind-Body Psychology, Integrative Cranial Sacral Unwinding, Shamanic Reiki, Coaching the Hero Within, The Hero's Journey

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