How Hypnotherapy Opened Doors for Mecca Wagner-Brown to Help Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/20/24 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study?

I was working a high-level corporate job as a global leader. As my daughter was approaching completing her Bachelor's Degree, I was planning on life after corporate. I have a BS in Psychology and Kinesiology, obtained my yoga teacher certification, and trained in Qigong, I loved helping people, so I decided a hypnotherapy certification would allow me to start a business as an Alternative Therapy Practitioner (as I later also became certified in EFT). I feel the state of society today is in crisis, however, the power of nature and their mind can heal them, and all they need is guidance. I have always been passionate about empowering others, even in my corporate role.

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Topics: Hypnotherapist, Great Graduate, Mindfulness, hypnotherapy program, Holistic Entrepreneurship

Kryss Huang Found Her Purpose in Serving Others with the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy

Posted by Jade Marvin on 4/21/22 4:00 PM

Holistic living means that your spiritual, relational, emotional, intellectual, physical, and financial lives are working together.”   - Tsh Oxenreider

Kryss Huang was not a stranger to living a holistic lifestyle when she came to SWIHA. This community was a home away from home, for Kryss. She explains, “I love SWIHA, SOY, and SWINA. I feel at home each time I go to any of these beautiful places.” Kryss had been living a holistic lifestyle for the majority of her life. It felt like a natural choice to pursue studies at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. About 10 years ago, Kryss actually attended the Western Herbalism and Nutrition programs and felt incredibly comfortable at SWIHA. Her life path eventually led her back to SWIHA to enroll in the Hypnotherapy program.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, western herbalism, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Herbalism, Hypnosis, mind body spirit, Nutrition, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, Breathwork, Holistic Living, Tempe, SWIHA CommUNITY, Herbalist, Holistic Lifestyle

Lourdes Menendez’s Dream to Provide Holistic Healing through Hypnosis & Coaching

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/17/21 4:00 PM

Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible”. - Mandy Hale

Timing is everything. For our great graduate Lourdes Menendez, in April of 2019, had a spiritual enlightenment that eventually led her on the path to SWIHA. “On that day, a master spirit connected with me while I was working my shift as Medicaid Advocate for a local hospital. I heard a man's voice whispering "Hypnosis Class" she tells us, “I knew I was on the right path when I received the Brochures and Pamphlets from SWIHA. By touching the paper I felt positive energy. I recalled telling my husband: ‘How sad I feel for not finding this school ten years ago’ and my husband said ‘Ten years ago was not the time; the time is now’.”

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Topics: Life Coaching, Hypnotherapist, SWIHA, healing, life coach, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Holistic health, Guide, integrative healing arts practitioner, Addiction, Spiritual Awakening, Online student, Transformational Coaching, Holistic Education, Setting Goals

Natural-Born Healer to Hypnotherapist: Valeria Neiman Guides Through Grief

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 7/5/18 2:00 PM

Many people discover the healing arts after being sparked by something deeply personal; Valeria Neiman, a graduate of SWIHA’s Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program, is a shining example of igniting this passion and turning it into her profession.

Seeking Answers

Sixteen years ago, Valeria found herself in the role of caretaker for her then-partner. He suffered from several different ailments and traditional medicine wasn’t producing many answers. After watching him undergo countless failed treatments, Valeria realized there was something vital that Western Medicine had been ignoring: the mind-body-spirit connection. This revelation motivated her to investigate alternative healing methods.

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Topics: Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy, IHAP

5 Culprits Behind Energy Leaks (and How to Use Holistic Healing to Feel Better Now!)

Posted by Jessica Davis on 8/23/17 3:37 PM

Energy is everywhere, from the air you breathe to the life force that surrounds your body. Your energy, or lack thereof, affects every dimension of your life, including your mind, body, and spirit. Energy leakage can take shape in many ways: physical or mental tiredness, loss of motivation, frustration, and/or feeling stuck. These symptoms may be confusing for some, especially if you’re self-aware and cautious with your health. However, even if you have positive energy flowing in, that energy will continue to leak if you are not healed.

Of course, in order to heal yourself, you have to know that you are leaking energy in the first place! In my case, I was in Bali and was drawn to seek out some advice from a spiritual healer. Since this wasn’t my first time receiving guidance from a healer, I sort of knew what to expect during our meeting. However, she brought up a topic I wasn’t quite expecting: my energy. She explained that my energy had been leaking due to my inability to let go of a past relationship. This leakage was negatively affecting my energy levels and my current pursuit of love and happiness. This information came as quite a shock, yet made a lot of sense. My energy had been leaking for years, impacting my whole well-being, and I never once made the mind-body connection.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Hypnotherapist, Polarity, Holisitc Nutrition, Whole Foods, Polarity Therapy, Hypnotherapy, yoga, Chakra Balancing, smudging, clean energy, energy balancing, Affirmations, Energy leaking, Negative Energy, whole food

From 9-5 Grind to Licensed Massage Therapist: How Kevin Williamson Reclaimed His Personal Liberty

Posted by Tim Barber on 8/18/17 5:00 PM

Kevin Williamson had been working the 9-5 daily grind for ten years. Employed in the credit card department of a financial institution, his life was beginning to feel like the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day. “I felt no real personal significance in the work I was doing,” he shares candidly. His job involved sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen for eight hours a day with minimal security; the very real possibility of lay-offs lurked around every corner.

Kevin was feeling discontented, frustrated, robotic, and unhappy with how he was participating—or not participating—in his own life. Ultimately, this led to a mental and emotional burnout. Looking for options, he sought out hypnotherapy. His hypnotherapist was a graduate of SWIHA and ended up sharing information about the school. Kevin had heard of SWIHA previously and decided to take an opportunity for self-healing and self-discovery by attending a Gifts & Graces event for the first time

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Topics: Hypnotherapist, Polarity, yoga, Certified Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher Training, massage therapist, lomi lomi massage

Antonieta Hensley: Standing Strong in Her Message as a Yoga Teacher and Hypnotherapist

Posted by Anthony Scarpulla on 5/17/16 11:37 AM

When it comes to discovering Southwest Institute for Healing Arts (SWIHA), Antonieta Hensley has Google to thank! “After I saw all the courses, programs, and classes they offered, I was sold. It sounded like a temple or a mystery school available in the states and I knew it was calling for me before I ever stepped foot on the school grounds.”

Antonieta graduated from the 600-hour Mind Body Wellness Practitioner program. She also went through the Yoga Teaching Training, Transformational Life Coaching, and Hypnotherapy programs. She went on to share how her time at SWIHA dramatically changed her life for the better:

“The laws of attraction, eastern philosophies, energetic body healing, taboo subjects, and spirituality have always fascinated me. But that is only about 10% of what the school has to offer. It surpasses your expectations on both what you can learn and whom you can meet. There is no need to search for a guru in India or Thailand. With SWIHA you can become your OWN guru.”

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Topics: Sound Healing, Mindful Breathing, self love, Become a Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Blog, Car Yoga, Mind Body Wellness, Certified Hypnotherapist, yoga, Certified Yoga Teacher, Meditation, Lightworker, Reiki, Yoga Teacher Training, Hypnotherapy

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