Taylor Leido's Journey of Finding Her Life’s Purpose: Becoming a Hypnotherapist

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/19/24 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

In 2021, I reached my eleven year anniversary at an insurance company I had been working at since I was 20 years old. I grew up with a passion for art, always painting and drawing, however, like most young adults, I was encouraged to take a job that paid well and had “great benefits”. I always knew that I loved to help others, and I tried to incorporate that in the corporate world by training and assisting coworkers who needed additional help. Yet eventually I began to burn out, and my soul just knew this wasn’t what I was meant to be doing.

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Topics: Great Graduate, hypnotherapy program, Past Life Regressions, Subconscious, Advanced Hypnotherapy

How Hypnotherapy Opened Doors for Mecca Wagner-Brown to Help Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 6/20/24 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study?

I was working a high-level corporate job as a global leader. As my daughter was approaching completing her Bachelor's Degree, I was planning on life after corporate. I have a BS in Psychology and Kinesiology, obtained my yoga teacher certification, and trained in Qigong, I loved helping people, so I decided a hypnotherapy certification would allow me to start a business as an Alternative Therapy Practitioner (as I later also became certified in EFT). I feel the state of society today is in crisis, however, the power of nature and their mind can heal them, and all they need is guidance. I have always been passionate about empowering others, even in my corporate role.

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Topics: Hypnotherapist, Great Graduate, Mindfulness, hypnotherapy program, Holistic Entrepreneurship

The Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy: How It Changed the Life of Kenneth Xiong

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/30/24 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study?

Before SWIHA I was a very lost soul wandering towards different types of career paths. I struggled a lot trying to find my identity and felt like I was on autopilot. I always knew I wanted to help people so I took an online personality test that guided me towards holistic healing. I chose Hypnotherapy after seeing the impactful results from reviews on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. I became very passionate about this trade because it is something I can take with me over the decades and continue helping people who are also lost and desperate for help on the right path.

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Topics: Great Graduate, hypnotherapy program, Past Life Regressions, habits, Advanced Hypnotherapy

How Pamela Topjian Found SWIHA: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Posted by Pamela Topjian on 5/9/24 4:00 PM

My journey with Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) started as a licensed nurse who was on the verge of burnout. At the time in 2009, I was working full-time and did not have the ability to go part-time. I was looking for a more holistic way to assist people on their healing journey. To assist people in a deeper way towards real healing, to be a part of something I could feel good about within my heart and soul.

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Topics: Great Graduate, hypnotherapy program, integrative healing arts practitioner, Online Programs, Holistic Entrepreneurship, Published Author

Sharing In Her Peace Through Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy

Posted by Kerry Burki on 7/1/16 10:35 AM

The sudden death of Janet Ellis’ only sister in 1998 brought her to her knees and was the catalyst that ultimately brought her to Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). “When I am emerging from a crisis, my usual response is to embark on some learning journey. In December 2006, I was completing what I thought would be my last semester at ASU.  I had earned a bachelor’s degree in Family and Human Development and a minor in Psychology and Gender Studies. I then decided that I wanted to apply to their Marriage & Family Therapy program,” said Janet.

While her application was being processed, Janet decided to indulge her curiosity and find out what SWIHA was all about. The school had a great reputation for powerful classes with great experiences, and she had a personal interest in the newly formed Life Coaching program. One evening in January 2006, Janet attended a Gifts & Graces, facilitated by KC Miller. Janet said, “That experience so powerfully confirmed what I felt as a deep calling, that I enrolled in the Life Coaching – Foundations class, and I’ve never looked back!”

Learn About the Life Coaching Program

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Topics: Great Graduates, Certified Life Coach Training, Life Coaching, hypnotherapy program, Guided meditation, Coaching Practice, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, life coach training

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