“Meditation is the practice of falling in love with life. Follow your desires.” ~ Lorin Roche
It might surprise you to know that desire is a word traceable back to the ancient yogis used to describe our Soul journey and not just a word you see used on Valentine‘s cards.
An ancient text known as the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (VBT) is an encyclopedia of yogic breath awareness techniques. It is sometimes called “A Divine Love Letter to Self” offering inspiration and guidance for self-care and self-love.
Let’s explore the acronym DESIRE with the transliteration of the VBT by Lorin Roche, author of The Radiance Sutras: 112 Gateways to the Yoga of Wonder & Delight.
DIVE deep into what your Soul is drawn to pursue. In Sanskrit, this deep dive is known as Puruṣārtha. Purusha means "Soul as a human being.” Artha can translate to mean "purpose". Together, Purusartha literally means "our Soul’s purpose for being human is to seek love.”
Radiance Sutra #1 offers insight: Beloved, your questions require the answers that come through direct living experience. The way of experience begins with breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. Experience a flash of pure joy.
EASY is found around our Purusartha —that which we deeply desire. What if what we seek or desire is seeking or desiring us. It really does work that way! Things will align effortlessly; manifestation will occur almost instantaneously when our desire aligns with our Soul’s destiny.
Radiance Sutra #2 shows us the way to ease and have grace in life: Breath flows in, filling, and filling. Cherish these moments. Mind dissolves into heart, heart dissolves into space; the body becomes a vibrating field, pulsing between fullness and emptiness. Breathe easy.
SLOW down for just a few moments to make room for clarity. Consider the words of Radiance Sutra #10 — the journey begins with whatever captures your attention. Whatever your focus, or desire, give it your whole being. This simple invitation opens a wide door to what is possible in your life, including how to best accept and love yourself.
INVITE something enchanting to transfix you. Radiance Sutra #57 offers this invitation: Allow yourself to be captivated with desire. Gaze upon its form; Attend to each detail — the shape of your desire, its texture, its color. Perhaps these details are metaphoric messengers partnering with your Soul.
With a steady gaze, melt into the field of space embracing whatever has captivated you (or taken your breath away.) At once, be at one with the Creator, who is looking through your eyes.
REVEL in only those things which come from within. As Radiance Sutra #85 directs — toss aside your road map of the world, all your beliefs and constructs. Here in this terrifying freedom, commune with the One who knows everything from the inside. Breathe tenderly as the lover of all beings and desires.
ELEVATE to that place the ancient One— the Knower — experienced everything. Radiance Sutra #86 woos us with its sonnet: There is a Presence dancing everywhere. There is a Lover who embraces us all. I am one with the Light. I am one with that Power. I am one with that Love.
What is desire? It’s our Soul leading us to our intended divine purpose. Each breath is a little love letter to ourselves.

KC Miller’s experience: If all these words sound a bit esoteric, that was my experience at first with the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, too. And yet, the more I read the words, practiced the various breath techniques offered, and made time to sit quietly with myself in meditations, I began to understand why this classic book was dubbed “A Divine Love Letter to Self.” We are a spiritual Soul, having a human experience. As long as there is a breath, we are in our human form and can choose to live in love.
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