When Willingness Creates the Life You Want

Posted by Kerry Burki on 9/30/16 3:17 PM

Over ten years ago, Juan Te Daily remembers hearing about Life Coaching on one of her favorite TV shows and how coaches help their clients navigate through life’s many challenges. She grew up in her own challenges of South Central, Los Angeles and knew the ways of the ghetto from an early age. Watching friends and family deal with drug addictions and financial trouble, she remained motivated to stay on a more responsible and healthy path. Seeing her older brother strung out, laying in the streets saddened her, and Juan Te attributes much of her empathetic nature to these memories. So when she heard there was a profession of supporting people in a way that enriches their lives, she thought she’d look into it. She found Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) online and even wrote down the information on Life Coaching. It was more than ten years later that she held that paper again.

Juan-Te-Swiha-Great-Graduate1.jpgJuan Te’s son got ill, and the stress pushed to gain seventy pounds. With the added stress of her marriage which accumulated tens of thousands of dollars in debt, she knew she needed to learn control. While decluttering home after the divorce, she came across that sheet of paper on life coaching.  As she reread the decade old notes she had made on various schools and their programs, she figured she’d start with SWIHA. She remembers her Admissions Coach with Quentin McCain, and they discussed the on-campus program.Juan Te had no idea how she was going to do school around her job at the hospital. Just as perfect timing would have it, there was a woman who had been trying to get into her department and was more than willing to trade crazy-hour shifts for her throughout her program! Months later Juan Te completed her certification and is so grateful for the Divine help she received. 

During Juan Te’s time at SWIHA, one of the most important things she learned was “that you can't move forward unless you learn to forgive first! Sometimes that means accepting the fact that you might never receive the apology you think you deserve, in order to make progress. Also that you can't help others unpack their baggage, unless you address yours first. I had to be willing to put in the work on myself first, in order to be effective at helping others.” She heard from Richard Seaman, one of the leaders in the Life Coaching program, that many people have been life coaches their whole life and didn’t know it. As a Weight Watchers Leader, she realized this was her, too. During one of the classes, there was an assignment to create a vision board, and she was supposed to hang pictures of the things she wanted most. Multiple times a day she would look at these things and got very clear on what was important to her; slowly she saw these things manifest into her life. She went on to say that there has to be a willingness in life to get the things you want. “Don’t have a limiting belief.”


Juan-Te-Swiha-Great-Graduate2.jpgJuan Te knew she had a passion for helping others, and a lot of this had developed from successfully overcoming her own life challenges in order to move ahead. She survived a divorce, became debt free, and recently graduated her son from ASU with no student loan debt“Empowering myself against all odds felt so fabulous that I wanted to walk beside others and be a part in their own transformation process!”

While in the life coaching program, Juan Te created her business name, The Courage To Shift“I successfully guide clients in developing a realistic action plan in order to move forward from victim to vict-OR!” She is most passionate about the areas of finances, weight loss, and do-overs (fresh starts) because she has personal testimonials and has achieved success in all of those areas. Currently, Juan Te is sharing office space in Chandler. The cross streets are Kyrene and Chandler Blvd. Within the next month, she will offer phone coaching in order to reach more clients. She also volunteers at monthly divorce clinic called Second Saturday's, located in Gilbert. 

Originally, she decided to start a business in order to generate additional income to help fund the debt her marriage collected, as well as her divorce. She searched for part time work for several years, often working three jobs at a time. She was influenced greatly by Dave Ramsey, the debt reduction guru, of “Financial Peace University”, and she would always hear him say that one of the greatest benefits in our country is that anyone can just wake up one day and start a business. Juan Te shared this: “It’s myth that you can't generate an income by doing something you love. I already had three part time jobs, and picking up a fourth wasn't an appealing option. I needed to work smarter, not harder so my goal became to find one part time job that didn't that have an income ceiling.” The two most challenging parts about starting her business were learning how to use technology after being out of school for over twenty years, and finding the time to work on it with three jobs. She came to realize that the decision to start her own business was the easiest part of the entire process even though fifteen years passed before she finally found the courage to take the first step. 

Deciding who she was here to help proved to be more of a challenge, too. She knew she needed to focus her coaching on areas in which she was passionate and excelled. For this reason, her initial thought was to focus on finances and weight loss. They seemed like natural choices because she succeeded at both. Juan Te shared this beautiful insight: 

IMG_73191.jpgI have lost and refuse to ever again find the seventy pounds I shed over twenty years ago!  

"Like many others, I’ve attempted, unsuccessfully, to lose the weight over the course of a twenty year span. I was finally successful-- only after I wrapped my head around MY truth, which is that weight loss is mental.” 

She has also successfully gotten on track with her finances and is debt free (except her home which will be paid off early). 

Juan Te was also called to empower women as they transitioned through the divorce process. “It wasn’t natural to think I excelled at divorce, and it certainly wasn’t something I was proud of. The decision was made for me when as I was asked to be the Life Coach at Second Saturdays. I COULD be considered an expert, as I have been divorced more than once and I learned that we all will survive (Lol!). I realized I definitely had valuable experience to offer these women.” 

Juan-Te-Swiha-Great-Graduate3.jpgThe clients that are drawn to working with this amazing graduate are those who are willing and ready for the transformation process to begin. Her clients feel a sense of empowerment once they realize they had the answers within them all along. They only needed someone to guide and walk beside them on the action plan they will create. “It's thrilling to be a part of their process the empowering moment in which someone learns that something they want IS possible!” The word empowerment alone excites Juan Te so much! Since she is always looking for more ways to empower others she is considering taking Hypnotherapy and Advanced Life Coaching classes at SWIHA so she can add more tools to her coaching toolbox. 

Juan Te’s message for SWIHA students and graduates looking to follow in her footsteps: 

“Really believe you can accomplish your goal. Align yourself with a support system that can assist you with challenges as they come up. Don't be afraid to ask questions: no question is a dumb question, especially if it's something you need to know in order to move forward in your life  or business.”  http://www.thecourageshift.com/

Some quotes that keep Juan Te inspired and moving forward towards her dreams are: 

  • “Live like no else today, so you can live like no else tomorrow.” Dave Ramsey 
  • "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." Zig Ziglar 
  • "Do what you have to do, until you can do what you want to do." Oprah Winfrey

Find Juan Te online:

 Website: thecouragetoshift.com

 Blog: juantetcts.wordpress.com

 LinkedIn: Juan Te Dailey

 Instagram: @juantedailey

 Facebook: The Courage To Shift


Learn About the Life Coaching Program

Topics: Life Coaching, life coach, Hypnotherapy

About the Author Kerry Burki

Kerry Burki is Editor of the newly launched KERRY Magazine ~ a magazine that uses real women as models, supports small businesses, encourages you to feel beautiful as you are right now and even has a printable worksheet to help you go after your dreams! She been teaching yoga since 2004, currently teaches yoga + meditation at a local assisted-living facility near her home in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kerry has written two ebooks about self-care (one for everyday and one for creatives) and she has just joined the SWIHA Success Center Team part-time as a blogger, consultant and creator!

Kerry Burki

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