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Barbara Iuliano: A Career of Life Coaching for Other Life Coaches!

Written by Zoey Sigmon | 5/26/17 3:02 PM

Barbara Iuliano’s reason for joining the SWIHA community may sound surreal to some, and yet to other SWIHA students, graduates, and staff, it is actually the norm! Why might some find it strange? Because Barbara claims that her own intuition and the guidance of the Universe brought her through our doors. “I was at a point in my life where everything was shifting... relationships, jobs, careers, dreams etc... I wanted to do something more, something of value, of service. SWIHA was one of those serendipitous blessings that fell into my lap.

As a graduate of our Mind Body Transformational Psychology AOS, Barbara has taken her acquired knowledge and integrated it magically with her innate gifts and interests in healing and service to launch her own successful practice. Although when she first started her program, she had no intention of becoming a coach, she has since surrendered to the obvious and grander plans that the Universe was conjuring for her behind the scenes. “Life coaching has been one of the most transformational and valuable practices that I have learned in my life. I couldn’t thank SWIHA enough for introducing me to this area in a holistic and professional manner. Coaching was love at first sight for me. Beyond life coaching, I also found my business classes of immense value as they encouraged me to set up my business ‘before I felt ready.'"

Barbara believes that she was born to be an entrepreneur. “I sometimes joke about how this choice was as much genetically predisposed as it was soulfully chosen because it’s such an intravenous desire that I’ve always had. What really inspired me to start was learning how much of an impact I was capable of making in other people’s lives.” Her path to becoming the coach she is today has felt extremely organic for her. Her vision that she held for her business and her life was not exactly what manifested into her reality-- still, she wouldn’t have it any other way!

With an innate inclination toward entrepreneurship, business coaching is exactly where Barbara has chosen to focus her energy as a coach to others. As the owner of Starland Coaching, she is a business and confidence coach for new coaches with ambitions to break out into the world of serving souls. She believes that her clients locate her because they are seeking a guiding light to lead them out of the fog of starting their new endeavors. She sets her sights on helping coaches with big dreams who are unclear on where to dive in first. “They are usually filled with doubt, insecurities, and a big load of stress... with so many incredible and life-changing ideas, yet without any solid steps to make them a reality.”

Barbara has a special gift that not every coach possesses; she guides her clients to find a balanced center from which to work. Her approach teaches coaches to mix intuition and pragmatism to reach their highest potential in much the same way that Barbara did when coming to SWIHA and building her business. “I help new coaches mix the etheric magic of the Universe with solid strategy and implementation so they can create the coaching business they dream of. Over the past couple of years, I have worked with women all over the world to help them build their confidence, push past their fears, and move through their doubts so they can make an impact doing what they love while making an income.

Despite her celestial viewpoint, Barbara means business! She has helped her clients reach their highest grossing months after years of being in business, book high-paying discovery calls in less than two weeks, get paid to speak, break through limiting beliefs, and more! She credits Facebook as a powerful tool in business and believes in organic reach and authentic connections. 

Barbara lovingly shared just how much she treasured what she gained through her time with us as a student and how she is able to apply it to her work with clients to facilitate true professional growth for them. “Thanks to SWIHA, I am proud to say that I am one of the few business coaches who takes a full-on holistic approach to growing an aligned coaching business. I am incredibly passionate about what I do because my clients not only end up making money doing what they love, they also enhance their levels of confidence and heighten their lives to their fullest capacity.” 

Barbara had these inspiring insights to share with SWIHA students and new practitioners: 

  • Start before you’re ready.
  • Don’t expect it to always be easy.
  • Do the work: internal and external.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Be very clear and stay focused.
  • Don’t be afraid to hire support.
  • Dream big and hold on tight to those dreams!

If you are interested in connecting with Barbara to learn from her or experience her talents for yourself, reach out via these various media platforms. She is sure to answer the call of your soul!