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Acknowledging How You Feel in This Moment: Guest Blog by Katy Quiroz

Written by SWIHA | 3/5/20 11:00 PM

It’s so easy to focus on the good, and it’s also really easy to be positive when things are going great. What about when they aren’t? We are all in different places in our journey, riding the waves of some of the highest highs, and the lowest of lows… and how are you doing? When was the last time you stopped where you are and looked around? We can become so focused on the end result that we forget to acknowledge the progress we have made, especially if it is small progress.

Trust me when I tell you, I am no expert at this! Every day is some kind of lesson for me and, just when I think I have it all figured out, the universe keeps me humble and on my feet.

My journey has been far from easy, and this is truly the most challenging phase of my life where I am in a constant battle with who I used to be and who I was meant to be. I feel like I am being pulled out of my comfort zone by my teeth and yet you will always hear me speak of all the things I am so thankful for. There are days, however, where I ask myself: “Is what I am doing is going to pay off?”, “Will I ever be able to apply all these wonderful techniques I am acquiring in my education and my own spiritual inner work?” And, most importantly: “Will I become someone I can be proud of? Who my son and my mom can be proud of?”

I had the idea to switch up my anxious thought process. I decided to ask myself: “Where am I in this EXACT moment?” The answer initially made me feel even worse, however, it was only for a little bit. I had a real-life “AH HA!” moment.

Right here in this very moment, I am overwhelmed and frustrated at myself for my own choices of putting things off which is something I am truly working on. So, I tried to look for the lesson in this, because there is a lesson to learn in every phase.

  • What is this moment right now teaching me?
  • What can I take away from this so that when maybe this kind of day comes along, I can be more prepared?

I thought long and hard: PATIENCE. This moment, right here…where I am questioning who I am and what I stand for can teach me to be patient. Who I am becoming is already mine. As long as I align myself with my What and my Why, the How will come to me. It will come to me because I am claiming it in ALL of its glory.

The HOW is not my job, the What and the Why are always my job to recreate as needed but it is the HOW that will flow in its divine time. I read a quote once that stuck: “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” , and I think its share-worthy for this moment. Maybe I am not the only one who barely made it through today.

Guess what? We made it. By the Grace of all that’s good and by the skin…we made it. You made it to this moment at whatever time it is for you. I am so proud of you. I am so proud of us.

Theses blurry, hazy and weird days are literal stepping stones. Once you acknowledge how you feel, and you say it out loud, it has less control over you. If today was not your best day, know that I send you all my love because I truly get it. If today was a good day for you, please know how happy I am to hear that and may you remember these words should the world ever feel cold for you. Your current situation is not your final destination. We must keep moving. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other. You will get there, wherever it is you want to be, and you will appreciate it so much more because of these kinds of days.

Honor yourself where you are right now. You are right where you need to be and on track, on your own perfect and divine timing. I am going to leave you with a couple of journal prompts that have helped me, and I hope that they will help you too.

  1. What’s on my mind right now, and what do I need to get off my chest?
  2. What doubts do I currently have, how can I ease them?

Editors Note: Katy Quiroz is a current student at SWIHA and will be graduating as a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach. She submitted this article as an assignment for a SWIHA class. You can follow her on Instagram @HyppieHouseofHealing or find her business page on Facebook at Hyppie House of Healing.