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5 Ways to Overcome the Plague of Comparison

Written by Jade Marvin | 9/29/22 11:00 PM

The reason you are not getting what you want is because you are focusing on what they got. Don’t get distracted by their results, focus on your process.” - Unknown

In a world of constant scrolling, scrolling, scrolling - it can be easy to come across an image or a piece of news that can throw you down the ‘comparison spiral’. This old, unwelcoming yet pervasive pattern of comparing yourself to others does not serve you. Living in a world plagued with comparison, as we are flooded with more information than we can handle; whether it’s social media or the news, our minds, often subconsciously, are running a mile a minute trying to process and analyze all the information we are viewing. Although social comparison is a part of our normal behavior strategy as humans, we don’t have to let it consume us to a level that affects our mental health. Learn these five strategies to help you overcome the plague of comparison.

The key is to not let comparison rule your day and negatively affect your moods and self-worth. Easier said than done - I know! A good start is to connect to that deeper part of yourself where your intuition lies. When you are able to connect to your intuition, your unique voice, and inner validation; you may become more grounded and the noise of the outside world will begin to soften. In 2022, we all know that social media makes this even more difficult. With social media, it is even easier for us to compare our own reality to someone else’s ‘highlights’ - making the comparison to our day-to-day life even more drastic. Just like breaking any other habit, it takes time and practice, however, with these 5 tips you will have a strong tool belt to get started!

Tip #1: Zoom out

This is all about noticing how comparison shows up in your body and how to direct that focus away from the trigger of comparing yourself to someone else and ‘zooming out’ to focus on your breathing. Bringing your focus back to your body and your energy, and taking a few deep breaths. Allow your body to relax and regulate your nervous system.

Tip #2: Remind yourself that we are all on equal, yet different journeys

Our world is full of external imagery and messages that make it really easy to look at the person next to you and ask yourself “hmmm should I be doing more?” “I am not as successful as them” or “I wish I had what they have”. When you find yourself in these moments, pause, and remind yourself that you are on the right path. Jon Acuff states “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.”

Tip #3: Positive affirmations!

Yoga guru Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings advise that positive affirmations are the most effective after meditating when the mind is calmer. This is all about repetition and consistency. Start by repeating the affirmation to yourself daily, and over time making an effort to merge with the energy behind the words.

Tip #4: Spend some time in ‘Mindful Moments’

After losing track of time from scrolling on your phone for too long and now having a sense of anxiety from the overload of content your brain just consumed, know that you can always look to nature. Just sitting, observing, and breathing in nature is very therapeutic in itself.

Tip #5: Eat grounding foods

When our gut is off balance, we are off balance. To counteract this, try eating more fiber-rich, whole foods to nourish your microbiome. Get all those fruits and veggies in too! Read this blog to learn more about healthy eating habits!

The solution to looking outwards in comparison is to look inwards towards yourself and remember that no one else is you and that is your power.