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Michael Cavalier Embraced His Big Dream and Coaches Others to do the Same

Written by Taylor Jablonowski | 1/31/20 3:00 PM

“Life coaching is a powerful way to develop new ways of thinking and discover the mental and emotional roadblocks that prevent us from achieving our life's goals,” explains Michael Cavalier, a Mind Body Transformational Psychology graduate, “With this newfound awareness, tools to empower us, and an system of accountability there is no limit to the world opening up to us and to the personal and professional growth we're seeking.”

Michael moved to Arizona in 2009, and by divine coincidence began to meet many Southwest Institute of Healing Arts students and graduates. During that time, he was also taking advantage of healing sessions from SWIHA volunteers at a service organization.

“When I was asked what I wanted to do, I said I would love to go to school to help develop my own healing practice, however, I didn't think I had the option. He offered to help me try and do this. The mere thought of it made me so happy that I realized how I had forgotten how it felt to be that happy. There was no doubt after that, and I took up the task myself to make that happen. The Universe has a way of opening up opportunities when we are ready,” affirms Michael.

Michael followed through with his dream and now has a business centered around Life Coaching! He integrates complementary and alternative healing modalities that are individually tailored to the needs of his clients, assuming the role of the facilitator in the process until the client is ready to do it on their own.

“I've worked with adults in substance abuse recovery, adult survivors of childhood and adolescent traumas, end of life counseling for clients and their loved ones, at-risk teens, and people who are simply curious about what they can add to their already successful lives,” he tells us.

Michael also discloses: “One of my all-time favorite tools in working with adult survivors of childhood trauma is Subconscious Intervention. It’s a Hypnotherapy technique that allows the person to travel back to a time in their life when they made a decision or accepted a belief about themself that disempowered or traumatized them and is causing challenges today,” he continues, “My favorite was a session where a client had such monumental awakening that they had tears of joy at finally understanding the ‘Why’ of their feelings and actions before that session. It's a beautiful way to let clients feel safe while going to a place in their life where they haven't felt comfortable verbalizing it.”

However, it’s not just his clients who have benefited: “Life Coaching was life-changing for me as a student and an individual. Knowing how powerful the work was for me, it continues to deliver a sense of joy and fulfillment knowing I can offer a similar awareness to others. I use the coaching framework in almost every aspect of my life.”

We invite you to visit www.guidanceoncall.com to receive your Initial Complimentary, Virtual, Coaching Session for the month of January, "Life Coaching Month."