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Jessica Bardzinski Helps Mamas Create Magic Through Intentional Eating

Written by Taylor Jablonowski | 8/8/19 10:00 PM

At Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, we see the power and potential in every soul, and Jessica Bardzinski is a shining example of pure determination!

“Before SWIHA, I was a stay at home mom. I had two children in two years,” Jessica shares, “I felt like I was lost in the trenches of life. I felt there was something more but didn't know where to turn.”

Jessica initially came to SWIHA to study nutrition, after her daughter had health problems that  doctors couldn’t seem to explain. “I had been reading everything I could get my hands on about the American food supply and SAD (Standard American Diet),” she says, “I wanted to learn more and get a degree to share with other mamas all this valuable information I had been learning.”

Jessica enrolled initially in an online program while she continued to expand her family. She tells us: “I had two children and then went on to give birth to two additional children all while going to school. Thank goodness for the opportunity of online classes!”

This Super Mom didn’t stop there however. Jessica continued her education on campus and went on to receive her Associates of Occupational Studies Degree in Holistic Health Care with a concentration in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to be apart of this life changing school,” says Jessica, “It felt like home. It's where I learned to meditate, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, and so much more. Everything I am passionate about today! I knew it was my home when I would finish classwork the first day it was assigned and I loved to have meaningful conversations about topics I was passionate about.”

“When I signed up for the two year program, I had no idea what I was in for!” she admits, “I had never heard of coaching and couldn't believe people would pay for coaching. Now I love the concept. Coaching makes so much sense!”

Jessica says her life has become a spiritual journey: “I am awake! I make conscious decisions now rather than just following the crowd. I am so excited to pass on what I have learned to other mamas and my own children as well!

Today, Jessica created Mamas Creating Her Sparkle, where she serves as an Intentional Eating Coach guiding other mothers on a mind, body and soul journey: “My business, Mamas Creating Her Sparkle came to be from my daughters health issues. I dove down the rabbit hole of food. As my journey continued, I learned my business was meant to connect with other mamas in the trenches of motherhood. I forgot about myself while having children. I turned this around by ‘creating her sparkle.’”

“I powerfully impact clients through my own journey and other mama clients I have worked with,” she continues, “I have lost over sixty pounds and have found myself through motherhood. I can still be a wife and mama and love myself at the same time.”

Jessica is proof that you don’t need to compromise one dream to fulfill another--you can truly have it all! She leaves us with this beautiful thought: “Life has amazing offerings when you go within to find yourself!”