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How Wellness Coach Jamie Jones Spreads her Passion for Wellness with Others

Written by Jade Marvin | 2/28/23 11:00 PM

Before SWIHA I was lost wondering what route I should take in my career. I've always been into fitness and holistic health. As a personal trainer and aerobics instructor, I knew I wanted to build upon my knowledge to help others. I remember looking into SWIHA over 10 years ago. For years it was always a distant dream to be a student until it finally became a reality thanks to the universe. The Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coaching diploma got my attention quickly as it seemed to cover some of the topics I was passionate about. At a young age dealing with chronic illness, I've learned the value of giving my body nourishing whole foods and taking care of every aspect of well-being to live one's best life. I now want to share this knowledge and passion with the world to help other people with their personal wellness journey.

Great Graduate Jamie Jones of the Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching diploma program always had a passion for nutrition. The education she received at SWIHA was the perfect fit for her to be able to share her gifts and passion with the world. Along the way, Jamie learned more about health through a holistic viewpoint. Jamie explains, “I'm intrigued by all things natural and mystical to help heal a person from the inside out. I knew I was on the right path when everything fell into place easily. Finding this program, discovering a solution to pay the cost of tuition, the divine timing, and gut feeling all came together to light the path.”

Now having finished her education at SWIHA, Jamie reflects back on her life and shares “Life has not changed, however, the way I approach situations in life has” she continues, “I am able to utilize the many valuable tools I've taken away from this program to guide, help, and create forward momentum. I feel I've grown so much as a person in understanding new perspectives about myself and how I interact with the world around me.”

A very popular life tool that is taught at SWIHA, started by our founder, KC Miller, is the concept of ‘Blessons’...you guessed it! A combination of the words ‘lessons’ and ‘blessings’. It is all about perspective. How we view life, and the obstacles that can come our way. We can either choose to give it the power to stop us, or to treat it as a ‘blesson’, learn, and move on. Jamie adds, “The biggest change I see is how I view ‘failures’ or ‘mistakes’. These words have become known as "gifts of growth" that I am grateful to have. Today, I realize setbacks and challenges are necessary to evolve into the best version of myself.

Now having completed her program, and after some much-needed self-care time, Jamie plans on starting her own business focusing on children’s wellness. Jamie asserts, “I place my trust in the divine spirit to guide me in the same way it led me to SWIHA. Only this time, I am armed with all the tools I need to create something beautiful for this world.” In the spirit of reflecting back on Jamie’s time during her program, Jamie would like to thank Janet Lee, her academic advisor, who was “one of my biggest champions and supportive mentors. I am beyond grateful for her constant advice and encouragement along the way.”

Jamie’s advice to any future and/or potential SWIHA students is, “Just do it! You will not regret the journey. You cannot go wrong with the added knowledge to awaken the mind, body, and spirit.”