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Holistic Coach Janine McNiven Empowers Others to Live a Balanced Life with Whole foods, Grace, and Resilience

Written by Jade Marvin | 3/28/23 11:00 PM

My life before SWIHA was very chaotic; I didn't have a lot of direction after leaving a high-demand religion. I struggled with mental health issues and found no sustainable solutions until I started to change my relationship with food, my body, spirituality, and myself. I started making some lifestyle changes on my own yet was hungry for more information on how to take care of myself, my mind, body, and spirit. When I found SWIHA, I felt really drawn to the holistic approach and how the balance of nutrition and mindfulness has a powerful effect on all three. I am passionate about holistic healing through food because the mind, body, and spirit are so interconnected and this is a great way to start discovering yourself and taking good, loving care of yourself.”

Janine McNiven, a Great Graduate of the Holistic Health & Wellness Coach Diploma Program with a specialty in Mindfulness Facilitation, really discovered the power of the connectivity between the mind, the body, and the soul. Having been on her own personal journey with mental health, Janine embarked on a path to learn how to heal herself and her own body, so that she may connect with others and help them do the same. Holistic nutrition and mindfulness are powerful tools for achieving overall health and well-being. Holistic nutrition focuses on nourishing the body with whole, nutrient-rich foods, while mindfulness helps cultivate present-moment awareness and a non-judgmental attitude toward one's thoughts and feelings. Together, these practices can support physical, mental, and emotional health.

From the very beginning of her program, Janine felt like she was in the right place. Janine shares, “It felt aligned with my goals, my personal experience, and my talents as well. Each course was a challenge, don't get me wrong, yet it did feel like confirmation that I am capable of learning and growing, making lasting changes in my own life, and then allowed me to build confidence in my ability to share that knowledge and gift with others. I am learning that I may never get it perfectly right, however, if I continue to trust myself and lean into my truth, there will always be so much good that comes out of that.”

Now having graduated from the program, Janine is ready to begin her own business of coaching! What is Health and Wellness Coaching? Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching is a type of coaching that takes a whole-person approach to health and wellness. This means considering all aspects of a person's life, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The goal of holistic health and wellness coaching is to help individuals achieve balance and harmony in their lives and to support them in making positive and sustainable changes to improve their overall health and well-being.

Janine is working on building up her business Rising Tide Healing. “This all started from a blog I wrote called ‘From Janine With Love’, where I share my story through a series of love letters to this big beautiful life, in all its messy glory. It focuses on my mental and physical health and prioritizing that above all else. It is something I am super proud of.” Within her business, Janine offers one-on-one Health Coaching with personalized tools to help with self-development, building healthy habits, and practicing guided meditations. Janine explains, “I was inspired by the quote ‘A rising tide lifts all boats’ which is essentially speaking to the power of one person's energy inspiring others to rise as well. My struggles with mental health help inform my practice so I can honor my clients' experiences and be a safe space for them as they strive to live a life that feels like their own” she continues, “I have found nutrition and mindfulness to be a beautiful way of connecting with your mind and body to really be present in the now. At SWIHA I have learned so much about how to care for your body, mind, and spirit with balanced whole foods, grace, and resilience.

Reflecting back on her time at SWIHA, Janine recalls many instructors, classes, and lessons that made an impact on her and her education. Janine asserts, “The greatest lesson I learned at SWIHA is that I have the power within me to make lasting changes within myself and the world. By leaning into my fullest expression and trusting my intuition, I am able to show up in a way that brings light. I have everything I need within me and I am perfectly prepared for the next right thing.” Trusting in yourself, following your intuition, and feeling confident in what you bring to the table is such a valuable lesson in life, as well as, a powerful tool to bring to your clients as a Health & Wellness Coach.

Having a shared ‘pain point’ as your clients can really help you to connect with others as a Coach. Rather than seeing it as a weakness, you can really share your empathy with your client, and that is exactly what Janine plans to do. Janine explains, “I continue to struggle with my mental health and I view that as something that helps inform my practice and does not make me any less worthy or qualified to coach. There is no end destination, and no one has it all figured out, and if we lean on each other and our own innate wisdom we will find the courage and the clarity we need to take the next right step.

Janine has really been on a beautiful journey since before her time at SWIHA. During her time at SWIHA, she really blossomed into her own, and now after SWIHA, she is ready to share her Gifts & Graces with the world. Her advice for any future/potential SWIHA students is, “You get out of it what you put in, especially with online courses. Be curious and excited and try to soak it all in while you can, the courses go quickly and you will get so much more out of it if you are actively seeking as much knowledge as you can. One of my instructors told me to not get caught up in memorizing everything, just be present and engaged with a beginner's mind and everything will land with you at the right time in the right way.

Connect with Janine:

Instagram (personal): @fromjaninewithlove

Instagram (business):@risingtidehealing

Book a Coaching Session here: https://calendly.com/risingtidehealing