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Health & Wellness Coach Priscilla Kreft Helps Women Replace Stress & Anxiety with Confidence & Self-love

Written by Jade Marvin | 3/30/23 11:00 PM

For years, I have served as a resource to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started by journaling about my passions, thoughts, and wonderings about our world. I learned through reflection and introspection that I can't cruise through life without support, and neither can anyone else. I discovered that there is a profession around just that - holistically supporting humans!

Priscilla Kreft, SWIHA Great Graduate of the Holistic Health & Wellness Coach Diploma Program, always had a knack for wanting to help other people. Throughout her life, it felt like the calling she was always supposed to do. When she started her program at SWIHA, she knew it was the right path for her. Priscilla shares, “I knew I was on the right path almost immediately. Every class conversation around holistic wellness resonated with me so strongly that the vibration carried over into other areas of my life. My relationships with friends, family, and peers grew stronger. My relationship with myself even strengthened, as I learned how to eliminate shame talk and limiting beliefs about myself and others.

A lot of SWIHA students and graduates express that the things they learn while they are in school, expand and apply to all areas of life! They may have come to school to learn how to be a health coach, however, along the way, the lessons that can help future clients can also help you improve your life. Priscilla enrolled in the Mindfulness Facilitator Specialty, and she has found that the art of Mindfulness has changed her everyday life. “Now, I am more mindful in everything I do from eating to walking, to loving myself. Meditation has become a natural part of my existence as a human. As a result, I've slowed down my obsessive thought patterns and have become more present in the now. I've shared numerous mindful moments of meditation or body movement with my friends who have grown to trust me as a mentor on their personal mindfulness journey. It's such a great feeling to share my passions with others who consider me an expert. I feel empowered when I'm empowering others” shares Priscilla.

Since graduating, Priscilla has moved around quite a bit, however, she is settling down in Bellingham, Washington where she plans on establishing her own coaching business! “As I travel around, I'm finding ways to network with other holistic practitioners in-person and virtually. I find inspiration in hearing about everyone's different wellness journeys.”

Priscilla is the proud owner of Redpoint Wellness Connect & Retreat with the mission to give others all she can. “My mission is to help young and adolescent women to adopt sustainable, healthy behaviors while staying close to what makes them feel alive.”

All through high school and into young adulthood, I was motivated to build a life that fulfilled me, although I didn't know what fulfillment meant for me. It occurred to me as I went through my training to be a Health and Wellness Coach that a coach is exactly what I needed all of those years. I realized that I always had all of the answers, I needed someone to hold me accountable and to ask me the right questions. As a coach, I am the one asking my mentees the questions, so that they can discover their truth.

Priscilla’s advice to any future and/or potential SWIHA students is, “What you do today will affect your tomorrow. Getting your work done to give yourself time off will create space for meditation and creativity. Those moments are where the magic happens. Try not to cheat yourself, yet also give yourself grace when life gets busy. You will learn as you go, so give yourself space for the learning to happen.”

Connect with Priscilla:

Facebook: Redpoint Wellness Connect & Retreat

Website: https://www.redpointwellness.net

Email: priscillakreft@redpointwellness.net