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Heal the Healer: Do You Need Some S.O.U.L C.A.R.E?

Written by Taylor Jablonowski | 11/12/18 9:00 PM

Healers are highly sensitive, which is why they’re so drawn to dedicating their lives to helping others! 

However, if you’ve been spending a lot of energy focused on the healing of others, you may be pushing through warnings from your own system that something is off.

Signs that you may need to pause and do some S.O.U.L C.A.R.E include:

  • Your personal to-do list is a mile long
  • You haven’t been sleeping or eating well
  • Your schedule is not a reflection of your priorities
  • You’ve had limited alone time lately
  • Your body is inexplicably ill or in pain
  • Your physical space is cluttered and disorganized
  • Your emotions have begun calling the shots
  • You feel like you’re operating on auto-pilot

You Deserve Some S.O.U.L C.A.R.E!

Spend the Time

The biggest struggle may be simply finding the time for soul-care. Give yourself permission to block off a day to celebrate YOU! As a healer, the energy you dedicate to yourself will ultimately benefit those in need of your services.

Ohm It Out

Whether it’s through chanting, repeating mantras, playing tuning forks or simply having a conversation with yourself, sound is a powerful form of expression. Verbalizing your emotional landscape allows the Universe to hear you—be sure to listen for a response!

Use Your Tools

Practice what you preach! Put yourself in the seat of the client and do a mental “intake form” on yourself to determine what it is you may need. You may find you want to complete an updated Wheel of Balance, make a new vision board, massage yourself with essential oils, or mindfully prepare a nutritious meal.

Learn Something New

Look for a podcast on a subject that interests you, take a trip to your local bookstore, or try a different style of yoga. Learning something new gives you access to new opportunities and keeps you mentally sharp and engaged.

Compliment Yourself

Be mindful of your self-talk. Healers are empathic and tend to surround themselves with people in the midst of their own healing process, which takes a lot of emotional labor. How have you been holding space for yourself lately? Write down ten things that you love about YOU and recite them in front of the mirror.

Attend to Your Spiritual Needs

Our spirituality is our essence, and yet it tends to be one of the most neglected aspects of ourselves.  Clarity of thought and many “Ah-ha!” moments present themselves in moments of prayer, ceremony or meditation. Make some time to check in with your personal Spirit Guides, and allow them to assist you through worries, sorrows and stresses.

Reassess Your Priorities

When you’re caught up in the hustle and bustle of a busy life, everything may seem like a priority. Consider what you're spending energy on that isn’t contributing to your personal mission.  Determine what is important today, this week, this month and this year, then do one thing that day to bring yourself more in alignment with each.

`Empty the Clutter

Clean out your mental “junk drawer”! Set a ten-minute timer and do a brain dump in to a journal, or complete that nagging task on your to-do list. By simply closing the mental circuits that incomplete responsibilities leave, you’ll reduce your stress, sleep better and improve your overall mood.

Soul-Care Resources at SWIHA