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Crafting the Perfect Marketing Email for Your Wellness Business

Written by Taylor Jablonowski | 8/5/19 10:00 PM

At first glance, marketing emails seem simple and maybe even a little outdated (Gasp!). However, the majority of consumers actually prefer to communicate with brands and businesses via email, especially in the “discovery” phase of their journey. It’s never been more crucial to develop a strategy for your campaigns or you may hear crickets--or worse--unwillingly end up in your prospective clients' & clients’ spam folder!

Before we break down a few examples of an effective marketing email, there are a few basic rules to follow:

  • Your marketing emails should be engaging and have a clear action item.
  • Keep subject lines around seven words--creativity counts with this element of the email.
  • Write in the second person and address the receiver directly. Ex: “Are you seeking to reduce stress and gain confidence?”
  • Let your personality shine! The presentation of the email should be professional, and the copy should entertain and entice.
  • Five-hundred words or less is ideal. If there is a lot of information to share, give them an overview and link them to a page on your website where they can read more.
  • Mobile-optimize your emails. Many people exclusively check their email via smartphones, so be sure your formatting looks good on both desktop and a phone.

In an age when ads and offers are invading every page of the internet, it’s crucial to know your consumer base and create emails that lead to results for you and are enjoyable to the receiver.

Today, we’ll use some marketing emails from our very own workflows at SWIHA to give you some inspiration!

Example One: The “Hello and Thank You!”

Your first email should be equal parts congratulatory and informative. Reiterate your offerings briefly, but focus mostly on that next action step: actually working with you!

The strengths of this email are:

  • It is concise and friendly; it lets the receiver know the options for the programs (online versus on campus and standalone versus within a larger program) without overwhelming them with every detail.
  • It tells them upfront: “Your first step is to schedule a Q&A…” Often the hardest part of anything is taking that first step, so be as clear as possible!

Example Two: The Follow Up Offer

You always need an enticing offer to help move any prospective clients that may be ‘stuck’ in your sales funnel. It can be a complimentary worksheet or video or even a webinar replay. Anything that will introduce them to what you can do for them versus just telling them! Typically, this will be an email that occurs in the middle of a marketing sequence.

This email works because:

  • It’s a no-cost, low-risk way to get prospective students into the studio and familiar with our vibe.
  • It addresses the recipient directly: We want to give YOU a guest pass! If we were just to say “Guess passes are available.” it doesn’t feel as special or flattering.

Example Three: The Friendly Nudge

So, you’ve got a few folks who receive your emails and, for whatever reason, just never reach out. It happens! A great way to re-engage them is to remind them why they may have been seeking you out in the first place.

Why this is effective:

  • Numbered lists and bullet points are great for visually breaking up text. They lead the eye immediately to the most important information.
  • They may not have realized a whole year has passed! It’s easy to put major goals to the wayside while dealing with everyday life. It also shows them that they’re still welcome to join us at any time.

Need Assistance Building Your Business?

SWIHA is here to help you define what your success looks like, and provide the building blocks to reach it!

Our Success Center is an online & on campus entrepreneurial and job placement support outlet, dedicated to supporting students and graduates of SWIHA as they build success with their new skills. We provide up-to-date resources designed to educate, motivate, and inspire professionals, whether they are stepping into a new career or furthering the evolution of their existing career.

Our coaches are here to assist students and graduates in building a holistic business from the ground up by providing quality knowledge, tools, and coaching along the way!