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Five Reasons You’ll Love Being a Massage Therapist! With Scott Taylor

Written by Taylor Jablonowski | 9/20/18 9:00 PM

Are you feeling ready for a change?  Do you desire to positively influence the lives of others? If lifelong learning, human connection and self-employment are appealing to you...look no further! You’re perfect for a career in massage therapy.

Massage therapists help others relieve stress, relax, and stay healthy by using a wide range of techniques to manipulate the soft muscle tissues in the body. They can help rehabilitate injuries through touch and aid in the wellness of their clients mind, body and spirit. It’s an ancient art that’s seeing a rise in popularity, and for a good reason! Everyone can benefit from a massage therapy session.

Scott Taylor is a Licensed Massage Therapist, SWIHA graduate and SWIHA instructor who absolutely adores his chosen path: “As KC Miller would say, ‘I answered the call!’  I have always wanted to help people in some way or another and I had always been drawn to massage and given massage to family and friends and it was a logical step to learn massage as a profession. 

I have always been a Spiritual Seeker, and when I discovered the treasure trove of Spiritual Studies available at SWIHA I was in heaven!  The modalities that I have chosen to pursue at SWIHA such as Yoga, Reiki, and the Spiritual Studies program all speak directly to what I have been seeking my entire life.  I have found my spiritual home!

Today, we’ll look at five reasons why you’ll LOVE pursuing Massage Therapy at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts!

Demand for Licensed Massage Therapists is Growing

 A renewed interest in holistic modalities along with an aging population means that more and more people will seek out massage therapists to keep themselves healthy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the massage industry is projected to grow 26% from 2016-2026, which is  much faster than the average for other careers.

Where You Work is Up to You

“The possibilities of where this path can take you in life are endless!” says Scott, “You may really discover a passion for a certain massage modality such as Lomi Lomi, or Thai Massage and you find that you are drawn to take your studies to Hawaii or Thailand!  You may be so fascinated by helping people with medical conditions that you take the Medical Massage specialty at SWIHA and find yourself working in Hospitals or other Healthcare facilities.  Maybe you are an athlete and wish to draw your focus to providing relief to other athletes and find yourself working in the Sports industry.  Again, the possibilities are limitless.”

Massage therapists are employed by spas, hospitals, gyms and other wellness-adjacent industries. Many massage therapists also choose to open their own private practice by renting or sharing an office space, creating a wellness room in their own home, or travelling to their clients for sessions.

You Never Stop Learning

Scott offers his experience: “My initial voyage at SWIHA was in Massage Therapy. I added Yoga and Reiki to my studies I noticed how completely those new paths enhanced my massage practice. Diversifying your field creates a more well rounded and secure environment for your new business.

There are tons of complementary modalities to massage, such as: Hypnotherapy, Polarity, Cranial Unwinding, Reflexology and Aromatherapy. Additionally, there are many different types of massage:  Swedish, Myofascial, Deep Tissue, Corporate Chair Massage, Sports Massage, Special Touch, and even Infant Massage and Canine Massage!  Massage therapists in Arizona are required to complete a certain amount of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) each year, meaning that you’ll have endless opportunities to learn something new!

You Can Create a Flexible Schedule

Massage therapists are most likely to enter the profession as a second career, according to a survey done by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). The industry offers flexible hours, with practitioners working an average of 20 hours per week giving massages and the rest spent on bookkeeping and other business tasks. You can choose to work anywhere from a few hours a week to full-time hours. Some even choose to keep their “dayjob” and use their Massage Therapy skills for supplemental or seasonal income.

Every Session and Client is Unique

“The  best thing about being a massage therapist,” Scott explains, “is being able to affect real and immediate change and providing relief to clients that may have had chronic issues for years.  The biggest part of massage for me is being able to educate my clients as to what may be happening in their body and how they can help themselves by making certain shifts in their routines, breathing, or even thought processes.“

In just eleven months, you could be on your way to a fun and fulfilling career through the Professional Massage Practitioner program here at SWIHA. Southwest Institute of Healing Arts offers the flexibility to choose what works best for YOU, with a wide range of electives and diverse scheduling options.

Scott offers this piece of wisdom to you: “SWIHA is the perfect place for you to begin your career in the Holistic Healthcare industry!  So much more than just a massage school, SWIHA is a place where your dreams can be transformed into reality.  Discover more than just massage. Discover yourself at SWIHA!”