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10 Tips to Restore Balance and Discover Inner Peace with Coach Christine Barlet

Written by Christine Barlet | 1/22/24 3:00 PM

The challenges of our chaotic lives that we face from all the hustling and bustling can leave many women feeling disconnected and imbalanced. Juggling an overwhelming amount of personal and professional responsibilities is now the new norm for many women, leaving very little time for self-care, proper diet, physical activity, and living in the moment.

Dedicating time each day to make your overall well-being a priority is achievable by implementing small changes that will lead to restorative balance and inner peace.

By implementing these 10 Tips you will begin to restore balance and discover inner peace:

  1. Self-Care- because you’re worth it! Take time to do the things you love most. It could be a long overdue mani and pedi, massage, meal prepping for the week, or curling up with a soft and cozy blanket, sipping on a warm cup of herbal tea from your favorite mug, or reading a book by your favorite author. A self-care ritual can take as little as 5 minutes or one of my favorite ways to implement self-care is by dedicating one day a week (Self-Care Sunday) which is an all-day affair to do the things that bring me joy and feed my soul.

  2. Set Boundaries - get comfortable with saying NO! Setting boundaries with friends and family is a form of self-care that is well-needed. Initially, it’s uncomfortable and can feel borderline mean yet trust me, it’s not. It takes time and practice to get comfortable with saying no. Over time it will become liberating and feel like a newly found superpower.

  3. Practice Mindfulness- be present. Meditation has many health benefits from managing chronic pain to aiding in mental health. Choose a time of day that works for you and a practice that you enjoy. There is breath work, guided imagery, and morning prayer with intentions to name a few. Experiment until you find one that works for you.

  4. Be Still, Be Silent, Just Be! - We dedicate very little time to just exist. Whether it’s sitting on your sofa, in the car, on a park bench, or at your desk start by eliminating all distractions. Shut off all electronics and get in a comfortable position. Focus on your breathing and just be!

  5. Connect with Nature- get outdoors and tap into your senses. Go for a mindful walk. One of my favs!

  6. Keep Moving- Walk, take the stairs, dance!

  7. Whole Nutrition- eat real food! Let food be thy medicine” Be intentional about your food choices. If possible shop Seasonal, Organic, Unprocessed, and local (S.O.U.L Diet). The farmer’s market is a great place to start and only shopping the perimeter of your grocery store will ensure that you are shopping for minimally processed foods.

  8. Growth Mindset - I can, and I will! Failures are learning opportunities that ignite growth. Without success there is no failure and without failure there is no success!

  9. Establish a Support System- call on your entourage! Family, friends, physicians, wellness coaches, support groups. We are not designed to be successful at this thing called life alone. Join or start a community whether it’s on a social media platform or an in-person support group. Surround yourself with like-minded people who have a genuine interest in your well-being, promote growth, and celebrate your successes.

  10. Practice Gratitude Daily- Start a gratitude journal aka Morning or Evening Pages, morning prayer, or through guided meditation. One of my favorite apps is Insight Timer. I highly recommend you check it out!

Give yourself grace as you maneuver through this beautiful transformational journey, and you will bring to light a sense of inner peace and balance within your life.

Let’s Connect!

Website: https://survivingtothrivingholisticwellness.com/ 

Instagram: @survivingtothrivingwellness

Facebook: Surviving to Thriving Women’s Wellness

TikTok: @christinebarlet