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Why SWIHA? The Benefits of the Path Less Traveled

Written by James Patrick | 4/6/23 11:00 PM

When I was in high school, I was your average student with a good group of friends, good grades, and a pretty typical family life. I was not a “problem child” by any stretch of the imagination. Like many, I had classes in which I excelled and some that challenged me, where I’d often find myself asking, “When am I ever going to use this stuff?” My sophomore math classes come to mind and to this day, I’m still not a huge fan of numbers, yet I know the basics to get me through business and everyday life. I often questioned the traditional way of doing things because the simple fact is that I’ve always learned and viewed the world a little differently. I’m far from a traditional person so why would my education have to follow the exact same formula as everyone else? The truth is it didn’t and so, I actively sought out my options.

Prior to my junior year, I had attended an open house for an alternative high school through a vocational program that was run out of our local mall. The Commerce Learning Center (CLC) was a business management and marketing program that allowed students to self-pace out the remainder of their high school education while gaining skills, tools, and experiences that would give them an advantage when it came to starting their career path upon graduation. These were hands-on experiences that put individuals into the real world to apply the knowledge they were gaining in ways that brought education to life. On top of that, the availability to take courses through the local community college was also available if anyone had the desire to go above and beyond, which many of us did.

I made the decision to attend the CLC, even though there was resistance from my high school because they felt that vocational programs were for the “problem children” or students that did not fit my description. Right then and there, I knew that doing things outside the traditional standard would become my “new normal.” I confidently moved forward with my decision and I can say it was one of the greatest choices I could have ever made. It was a catalyst for much of my future and why, to this day, I am an advocate for educational resources and accredited institutions designed specifically for those who are not your traditional college or university students and especially for those who do learn things a different way. Upon completion, I had two graduations. I completed all my requirements to graduate with my “home” high school, received my high school diploma, and also graduated from the CLC with honors as a member of the National Vocational-Technical Honors Society. It was an experience that I never would have had if I had stayed on the traditional path and is a huge component of why I am the man I am today.

After graduating, I took some time off and began to work utilizing the skills I had gained. When it came time to attend college, I found myself actively searching for an experience similar to what I had found prior. I did not want to attend a state college or university, because I already knew that was not who I was. I was not going to be living the dorm life, working towards a degree, and taking courses that did not provide me the option of the hands-on experiences I had come to love. Many would tell me that I had limited options and that I’d be best served if I just went and got a degree so that I could start earning an income doing a job that I may or may not find any fulfillment in, yet at least it would pay the bills. Well, that was clearly not a good enough answer. So, I continued my search.

A few years would pass while gaining some great life/work experience and then I decided to leave New York, where I was from to move to Phoenix, Arizona. This was due in large part, to the input I received from one of my best friends who said that “You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced life in the southwest.” So, I figured, why not!? I was due for a change and always up for a challenge. So, I packed my things and the day after Christmas, took a 3-day road trip with my family and set up shop in a state that I had visited for two weeks about two years prior. Was this crazy? Maybe. Yet, I’ve never followed the status quo so why start now, right!? Start over somewhere new and see what happens. Live in the mystery!

They say there is divine timing in all things. So, it should come as no surprise that when the time came, I was out having lunch and stumbled upon a course catalog I had seen only once before back in a local deli in New York, yet at the time paid no mind. The logo was instantly recognizable and I thought to myself, “What are the odds that the same catalog would come across my path a second time clear across the country?” I took it as a sign and upon reviewing this catalog, discovered something called Life Coaching at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. I read the description and immediately lit up because, upon further review, I found out that it was just one of many specialties that could be tied into an accredited college diploma or degree! I instantly connected with those similar feelings I had years prior when I discovered the CLC and set up a conversation with an admissions advisor right then and there. Did I find the next space for me to thrive in? I did.

I signed up for an Associate of Occupational Studies degree in Holistic Healthcare with a concentration in Mind-Body Psychology. I specialized in Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Studies. Every single course was a combination of personal development, professional training, and hands-on experiences which allowed every one of us to see how these modalities worked firsthand. It was such a familiar feeling and sense of purpose I had known back in high school. This was THE institution for those who were looking for something different, learn a little different, and wanted to contribute to the world in a loving and profitable way. It truly felt like home from the moment I started my program all the way through graduation and I would not have changed a thing. At no point did I ever feel like another number, another file, or another statistic. This was my community and little did I know there was better to come.

About 6 months after graduating, I successfully started my practice and immediately combined what I had learned about business management and marketing from the CLC and the business courses at SWIHA to put my coaching skills to use. It wasn’t without its struggles and challenges however, as with all things worth having, it took time and patience. My initial growth and success allowed for a great testimonial to the school. As I continued to focus on building my practice I was presented with an opportunity to begin working with SWIHA. It began as an advisor role for the very programs I graduated from. It also included a contract instructor role to serve as a lead in some of the business development courses and as part of the life coaching team.

12 years have gone by and I am proud to say that I still have a practice of my own that continues to grow every year. I live for my motivational presentations, workshops, and teaching. I currently serve as the Director of Business Development & Community Outreach at SWIHA and have expanded my professional tool belt to include Yoga Teacher Training, Health & Wellness Coaching, and Fire walking. I get to say, “I love what I do” every day and have found fulfillment in my career.

Yes. The traditional route in education works for many, so I do not want to take away from that. There is a lot of value to be had in the variety of careers out there for those who attend state colleges and universities for those degrees and trainings. Then, I like to remind others who are still looking for somewhere to belong, that there is a place that fits their needs. Some will say that they “should” do something else or that they “should” be someone else or that they “should” be working towards a job that will pay the bills. I reflect back on those times when others have told me what I “should” do and I think to myself, “That’s never been who I am.” To those who doubt the potential of anything outside the standard or for those who would make you question your own desire to do something outside the box, breathe. Take a step back and simply repeat these two words, “Watch me!” Then, keep going.

As a SWIHA employee, contract worker, and entrepreneur I can honestly say that this organization inspired my purposeful path and continued allowing me to learn in the ways the CLC introduced me to all those years ago. I’ve never been so happy to live outside my comfort zone and step “outside the box” every single day. SWIHA makes sure that you are prepared to launch in a direction of your own design if you are willing to say yes to the opportunities and get out of your own way. You do have to want it bad enough and be willing to do the work. I know I have been the “right fit” for the purposeful path I am on and the many roles I’ve been blessed to own. We all have the ability to open new doors to our gifts and potential. Let SWIHA be the next one you walk through and connect with your higher purpose, your higher power, and the next best version of you.